Forum Discussion
Licensing pop up?
Sami_Holtta and sbuntun , we are pushing the fix through our channels which will take a few more weeks. If the countdown reaches 0, users are unable to connect unless you remote into with MSTSC /Admin. If you need more time, it's probably best to redeploy using the image from the gallery as that should give you several hundreds of days - more than we need to get the fixes through.
I think that there still have several hundreds days left and normal Microsoft 365 licensed domain users do not see this popup, so we can stand this. I started now to pilot this multi-session experience with a pool of Windows 10 Office 365 virtual desktop virtual machines/users. AD Connect Active Directory Domain Services to Azure Active Directory, FSLogix container profiles in Azure Blob (storage access key protected with Credential Manager) with normal user profile redirection (documents, etc.), local user account profiles excluded in FSLogix, custom domain name with Web App web.config redirect, conditional MFA for VDI users, etc. We will see soon what this real multi-session user experience is. Shared Office activation added to policies registry hive with GPO ADMX , other settings with GPO preferences, restricted groups, loopback and normal computer configuration, Windows Defender and VDI settings configuration, best practices followed. Thinking also some isolation in these virtual desktop domain joined virtual machines in the VNet subnet.