Apr 11 2024 11:17 AM
We are seeing new windows profiles created when logging on to azure remote app not allowing .net application to launch Edge via Process.Start("microsoft-edge:"+link . (error seen is: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: No application is associated with the specified file for this operation) It's an application that we have been using for several years without issues (.net framework), but seems something with the default profile that is being created when logging on to remote apps has changed perhaps (first brought to our attention in February)? if we log on to the default desktop, the profile appears to be updated, then we can use the application successfully to launch edge.
It seems something isn't created in the initial default profile using remote app but I cannot find the difference. What would be different in the creation of a profile from a remote app vs. the default desktop? I can also rdp to the host vm, creating a new profile (all of these with the same userid) and that works fine and then the remote app will also work.
Apr 17 2024 01:49 AM
Apr 17 2024 07:01 AM