Jun 02 2020 09:04 AM
I am having an issue where published applications are no longer visible via the portal or powershell. I can however still see and launch the apps from the Remote Desktop Client.
Azure portal states no applications in this application group. PowerShell check returns an error related to a BadGateway (see attached image). The applications that were published were done so with PowerShell initially. The apps are still available from the WVD portal/Remote Desktop App and can still be launched by assigned users successfully.
Jun 02 2020 10:31 AM
Jun 02 2020 10:34 AM
Yes, I am using the Spring 2020 WVD version. I have already tried removing the App group and recreating. Recreation of the App group has the same result and was recreated with PowerShell. No errors from the command until trying to retrieve info on the app group. My other App groups are unaffected.