Remote Desktop keyboard missing key

Remote Desktop keyboard missing key



 Apr 27 2022
3 Comments (3 New)

tec1.pngtec2.pngtec3.pngThe context menu key is really missing. I use it all the time but with iOS client I loose a lot of time to work around this issue. 


Copper Contributor

That's the missing key

Context menu keyContext menu key


Looks like this idea didn't get enough votes over the past months to be considered. We are closing this idea.  

Copper Contributor

I still miss it a lot since I can't do more than 90% of my work in almost all contexts, since I use this in Windows environment all the time. The paths to do the same as this only one click would provide are insane. Would it be possible to make it as a two keys combo? (e.g. "alt"+"alt gr") That would help a lot.