Please add more control for printer redirect in AVD.

Please add more control for printer redirect in AVD.



 Jul 05 2024
2 Comments (2 New)

There is a function that I miss for Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD). For printer redirect the only control we have is on or off. Nothing in between. We use Microsoft Universal Print and, in some cases local USB printer for our local desktop printing need. For AVD we have on prem network printers solution. Because of the personal sensitivity of the documents Universal print is not allowed on AVD. But those who have a local USB printer can use it on AVD. Her is where the problem is. Printer redirect will redirect all the local printer ques. Universal printer ques and the local USB printer ques. What I wish fore is a function to whitelist/blacklist the type of printer that is allowed to redirect. Like only redirect local USB printers and not network/cloud printer. Is this a function that can be added?

I have an Design Change Request case whit Microsoft on this, but need upvotes to start the work. Please upvote this so we can get more control over printer redirect in AVD.


Thank you, Kent, endorsing your request here also.

Copper Contributor

I am off-site, and we have no option to print other than CGI Network printing. If we're off-site we don't have access to the CGI Network so we can't print anything from the Virtual Desktop or save it to the computer we're on because it's another government entity, it's not CGI's computer and it won't save to the computer. It won't save or print to anything outside of the Virtual Desktop. I understand the need for security, but this makes things really difficult and time-wasting to have to use other options to print our stuff from the VDI (i.e. email everything to ourselves so that we can print it out). It seems to me not a lot of thought was put into what off-site CGI employees are supposed to do to print off their documents. Maybe some explanation can be given as to why we can't print from the client's local printer network, especially when that client is another government entity. Makes no sense that we can't print anything from our work location.