Microsoft Remore Desktop Beta - annoying, incessant "dock bounce" notifications on MacOS

Microsoft Remore Desktop Beta - annoying, incessant "dock bounce" notifications on MacOS



 Dec 22 2021
2 Comments (2 New)

Every time my RDP connection drops, the icon starts bouncing incessantly in the MacOS dock. It just bounces forever. This is really annoying. Please tone down the aggressiveness of this notification.


This is so annoying that it compelled me to register on these forums to specifically submit this piece of feedback. 


This forum is focused on Azure Virtual Desktop Feedback. If you are running into issues, we recommend to share your problem on our Tech Community forum ( or open a support ticket after you have reviewed the troubleshooting options in our documentation (Windows Virtual Desktop troubleshooting overview - Azure | Microsoft Docs)


We recommend to review our troubleshooting section first. The other option you have is to open a support ticket through the Azure Portal.

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