Reading Delta Lake in Dedicated SQL Pool
Published Sep 15 2022 08:00 AM 12.1K Views

In June, Databricks announced that they are open sourcing Delta Lake 2.0Delta Lake is quickly becoming the format of choice in data science and data engineering.


To import Delta Lake into a Synapse dedicated SQL Pool you would need Azure Data Factory/Synapse Pipelines or Spark to handle the Delta Lake files.

This is not ideal because it adds extra overheads of complexity, time, and costs.


As an intellectual challenge, I wondered if it's possible to import Delta Lake files directly into the dedicated SQL Pool and support features like time-travel. It turned out to be a great little project and a great way of learning about Delta Lake.


I have uploaded the script to the Azure Synapse Toolbox Github siteThe Azure Synapse Toolbox is an open-source library of useful tools and scripts to use with Azure Synapse Analytics. 


Here is a breakdown of how the script works.


  1. Read the _last_checkpoint file, this contains the highest checkpoint version number.
  2. Read all the checkpoint files, these contain the 'Add' and 'Remove' files that need to be included and their timestamps.
  3. Read the latest JSON transaction files (since the last checkpoint), these contain the most recent 'Add' and 'Remove' files that need to be included and their timestamps.
  4. Filter out the 'Add' and 'Remove' files based on the 'modificationTime' and 'deletionTimestamp'
  5. Return the data from all the 'Add' files excluding the 'Remove' files. (Batching up the COPY INTO statements)




	DROP TABLE mpmtest

declare @path varchar(400), @dt datetime2, @credential varchar(500),@outputable varchar(500),@display int, @debug int;
set @path = ''
--set @dt =  convert(datetime2,'2022/07/06 18:37:00'); --getdate(); --  for time travel -- 
set @dt =  getdate(); --  for time travel -- 
set @credential  = 'IDENTITY= ''Shared Access Signature'', SECRET = ''___SECRET____''';
set @outputable = 'mpmtest' -- leave empty for temp table
set @display = 1; -- if 1 display results
set @debug = 1;
exec delta @path,@dt,@credential,@outputable,@display, @debug

--select count(*) from mpmtest;

create PROC [dbo].[delta] 
	@folder [varchar](4000), 
	@dt [datetime2], 
	@credential [varchar](4000), 
	@dest_table [varchar](4000),
	@display int, -- 0 dont display, 1 display
	@debug int -- 0 dont debug , 1 debug mode
-- version info
-- 0.1 - Very basic, but sort of worked.
-- 0.2 - Added support for remove files.
-- 0.3 - Fixed bug , in authenication
-- 0.4 - Improved performance in handling add/remove files
-- 0.5 - Added support for checkpoint files
-- 0.6 - Changed the json handling, added latest checkpoint handing

	DECLARE  bigint,@tsmil bigint, @json varchar(8000), @tsql varchar(8000);
	DECLARE @json_remove varchar(8000), @tsql_checkpoint varchar(8000);
	DECLARE @td_checkpoint1 datetime2, @td_checkpoint2 datetime2;
	DECLARE @last_checkpoint varchar(25), @jsonversionchar varchar(25),@checkpointversion varchar(25) ;
	DECLARE @output_sql varchar(max);
	DECLARE _file_count bigint;

	-- default: AAD authenication
    IF (@credential IS NULL)
        SET @credential = ''

    IF (@credential <> '')
        SET @credential = ' CREDENTIAL = (' + @credential + ')'

	-- default : display results
	IF @display IS NULL
		set @display = 1

	-- default : debug is off
	IF @debug IS NULL 
		SET @debug = 0
	-- if the datetime is null, get the latest version
	IF (@dt IS NULL)
		set @dt = getdate()

	-- number of milliseconds since 1970
	-- Datediff doesn't return a bigint - so I need todo this into 2 parts
	set   = datediff( s, '1970/1/1', convert(date,@dt) ) 
	set  =  * 1000;

	set @tsmil = datediff(ms, convert(date,@dt) , @dt)
	set  =  + @tsmil;

	if (@dest_table IS NULL)
		set @dest_table = '#tmp_output'

	---- Holds the raw json information -----------------------------
	IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#last_checkpoint') IS NOT NULL
		DROP TABLE #last_checkpoint

	create table #last_checkpoint
		info varchar(max)
	) with (distribution=round_robin, heap)

	------ read _last_checkpoint
	-- This gives us the checkpoint if it exists, this gives us the starting point
	-- for the json files
	set @tsql = '
	copy into  #last_checkpoint (info)
	from ''' + @folder + '_delta_log/_last_checkpoint''
	 with ( 	' + @credential +  '    ,FILE_TYPE = ''CSV''
	 ,fieldterminator =''0x0b''    ,fieldquote = ''0x0b''     ,rowterminator = ''0x0d'' ) '
	if @debug = 1 	
		print @tsql;
	set @td_checkpoint1 = getdate();  
	set @td_checkpoint2 = getdate();

	print 'Loading _last_checkpoint files took ' + convert(varchar(50),datediff(ms, @td_checkpoint1,@td_checkpoint2)) + ' ms'

	if @debug = 1 
		select '_Last_checkpoint', *  from #last_checkpoint
	select @checkpointversion = ISNULL(JSON_VALUE(info,'$.version'),'00') from #last_checkpoint;
	if NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #last_checkpoint)
		SET @checkpointversion = '00'

	PRINT 'checkpointversion=' +@checkpointversion

	set @jsonversionchar = '00000000000000000000';

	IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#delta_checkpoint') IS NOT NULL
		DROP TABLE #delta_checkpoint

	create table #delta_checkpoint
		txn varchar(max),
		[add] varchar(max),
		[remove] varchar(max),
		metaData varchar(max),
		protocol varchar(max)
	) with (distribution=round_robin, heap)

	--- Code to pull the the add / remove files from the checkpoint files.
	set @tsql_checkpoint = ' 
	copy into  #delta_checkpoint	from ''' + @folder + '_delta_log/*.checkpoint.parquet''
	 with ( ' + @credential +  '  ,FILE_TYPE = ''PARQUET'', AUTO_CREATE_TABLE = ''ON''   ) '

	 if @debug = 1
		print @tsql_checkpoint;
	set @td_checkpoint1 = getdate()  
	set @td_checkpoint2 = getdate()

	print 'Loading checkpoint files took ' + convert(varchar(50),datediff(ms, @td_checkpoint1,@td_checkpoint2)) + ' ms'

	SELECT _file_count = count(*) from #delta_checkpoint

	 if @debug = 1 
		print 'No of checkpoint files ' + convert(varchar(10),@checkpoint_file_count);
		SELECT * FROM #delta_checkpoint order by [add],[remove]
	-- Holds the information from the checkpoint files ---------
	IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#delta_files_checkpoint') IS NOT NULL
		print 'Dropping table #delta_files_checkpoint'
		DROP TABLE #delta_files_checkpoint
	create table #delta_files_checkpoint
		fname varchar(99),
		ts bigint,
		dt datetime2,
		[action] char(1)
	) with (distribution=round_robin, heap)

	-- create a table of add/remove files with the datetimestamp
	INSERT INTO #delta_files_checkpoint
	select DISTINCT
		CASE WHEN JSON_VALUE([add],'$.path') is NULL THEN
		END fname,
		WHEN JSON_VALUE([add],'$.path') is NULL THEN
			END updatetime,
		WHEN JSON_VALUE([add],'$.path') is NULL THEN
			dateadd(s, convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE([remove],'$.deletionTimestamp'))  / 1000 , '1970/1/1')
			dateadd(s, convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE([add],'$.modificationTime'))  / 1000 , '1970/1/1')
		END updatetimedt,
		CASE	WHEN JSON_VALUE([add],'$.path') is NULL THEN
		END [action]
		from #delta_checkpoint

	DELETE from #delta_files_checkpoint where fname is null

	if @debug = 1 	
		SELECT 'checkpoint', * , , @dt FROM #delta_files_checkpoint order by dt desc

	 -- remove files after the given time 
	 DELETE FROM #delta_files_checkpoint  	WHERE ts >  

	if @debug = 1 	
		SELECT 'checkpoint filtered', * , , @dt FROM #delta_files_checkpoint  order by dt desc

	---- Holds the raw json information -----------------------------
	IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#delta_json') IS NOT NULL
		DROP TABLE #delta_json

	create table #delta_json
		jsoninput varchar(max)
	) with (distribution=round_robin, heap)

	set @jsonversionchar=  left(substring(@jsonversionchar,0,len(@jsonversionchar)-len(@checkpointversion)+1) + @checkpointversion,len(@jsonversionchar)-1) + '*'

	-- Read all the delta transaction logs, we cant filter out things by file name.
	set @tsql = '
	copy into  #delta_json (jsoninput)
	from ''' + @folder + '_delta_log/'+ @jsonversionchar +'.json''
	 with ( 	' + @credential +  '    ,FILE_TYPE = ''CSV''
	 ,fieldterminator =''0x0b''    ,fieldquote = ''0x0b''     ,rowterminator = ''0x0d'' ) '
	if @debug = 1 	
		print @tsql;
	set @td_checkpoint1 = getdate();  
	set @td_checkpoint2 = getdate();

	print 'Loading json files took ' + convert(varchar(50),datediff(ms, @td_checkpoint1,@td_checkpoint2)) + ' ms'

	if @debug = 1 	
		SELECT 'JSON Files', * , , @dt FROM #delta_json

	---- delta file details..
	IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#delta_active_json') IS NOT NULL
		DROP TABLE #delta_active_json

	create table #delta_active_json
		jsoninput varchar(max) , 
		ts bigint,
		dt datetime2,
		[action] char(1)
	) with (distribution=round_robin, heap)

	-- inserting into temp table, so the date and time is associated to each row
	insert into #delta_active_json
			, convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp'))  as ts
			, dateadd(s, convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp'))  / 1000 , '1970/1/1')
		from #delta_json 
		WHERE convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp')) <   

	if @debug = 1 	
		select 'json filtered by date',*, , @dt	from #delta_active_json order by dt desc

	-- left in for debugging -- shows each version of the JSON
	if @debug = 1 
		select  'not filtered',
		convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp'))  as ts
		, convert(varchar(8000),jsoninput)
		, dateadd(s, convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp'))  / 1000 , '1970/1/1')
		,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY NULL ORDER BY  JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp') DESC) AS "Row Number" 
		, , @dt 
		from #delta_json  
		order by convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp'))  desc

	-- insert the JSON adds and removes to the existing list from checkpoint
	insert into #delta_files_checkpoint
	select  substring(value,charindex('path',value)+7 ,67) [path] 
			, convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp')) ts
			, dateadd(s, convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp'))  / 1000 , '1970/1/1') td
			,'A' as [action]
	from #delta_active_json 
		cross apply STRING_SPLIT(jsoninput,',') 
	where value like '%path%' and  charindex('add',value) > 0
	union all
	select   substring(value,charindex('path',value)+7 ,67)
			, convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp')) ts
			, dateadd(s, convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp'))  / 1000 , '1970/1/1') td
			, 'R'
	from #delta_active_json 
		cross apply STRING_SPLIT(jsoninput,',') 
	where value like '%path%' and  charindex('remove',value) > 0

	if @debug = 1 
		-- all the adds and removes from the json
		select 'adds', substring(value,charindex('path',value)+7 ,67) [path] 
			, convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp')) ts
			, dateadd(s, convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp'))  / 1000 , '1970/1/1') td
			,'A' as [action] , , @dt
		from #delta_active_json 
			cross apply STRING_SPLIT(jsoninput,',') 
		where value like '%path%' and  charindex('add',value) > 0

		select  'removes',  substring(value,charindex('path',value)+7 ,67)
				, convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp')) ts
				, dateadd(s, convert(bigint,JSON_VALUE(jsoninput,'$.commitInfo.timestamp'))  / 1000 , '1970/1/1') td
				, 'R', , @dt
		from #delta_active_json 
			cross apply STRING_SPLIT(jsoninput,',') 
		where value like '%path%' and  charindex('remove',value) > 0
		select 'New list with adds and removes', *, , @dt from #delta_files_checkpoint order by ts desc;
		select distinct 'distinct list ', fname, dt, [action], , @dt  from #delta_files_checkpoint order by dt desc;

	---- Holds the raw json information -----------------------------
	IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#delta_files') IS NOT NULL
		DROP TABLE #delta_files

	create table #delta_files
		filenames varchar(max), rownumber bigint
	) with (distribution=round_robin, heap)

	insert into #delta_files
		select fname, 
		from #delta_files_checkpoint where [action] = 'A' and
			fname not in (select fname from  #delta_files_checkpoint where [action] = 'R') 

	if @debug = 1 
		select '#delta_files', * from #delta_files;

	if @debug = 1 
		select 'parquet to read ', fname,ts, , dt, @dt from #delta_files_checkpoint where [action] = 'A' and
			fname not in (select fname from  #delta_files_checkpoint where [action] = 'R') 
		--where ts < 

	--- This batching code might appear over kill, but STRING_AGG falls over when the string
	-- is too long.. so I am batching up the inserts.

	DECLARE @flist varchar(max);
	DECLARE @batchsize int = 100000;
	DECLARE @iParquetFileCount int =0;
	DECLARE @iParquetFilePos int =1;
	select @iParquetFileCount = count(*) from #delta_files

	IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#_files') IS NOT NULL
		DROP TABLE #_files

	create table #_files
	( fname varchar(999) ) with (distribution=round_robin,heap)

	---- creating batches of COPY INTO statements
	while(@iParquetFilePos <= @iParquetFileCount)
		INSERT INTO #_files 
		SELECT [filenames] FROM #delta_files where rownumber between @iParquetFilePos and @iParquetFilePos + @batchsize 

		-- Had issues with STRING_AGG with if the string gets too long
		SELECT @flist = 'COPY INTO  ' + @dest_table + '  FROM '  
						+ STRING_AGG(CAST(''''+@folder+fname+'''' AS VARCHAR(MAX)), ',
						') + '   with ( 	' + @credential +  '
							,FILE_TYPE = ''PARQUET''  , AUTO_CREATE_TABLE = ''ON''  )' 
							FROM #_files

		if @debug =1 
			select '_filelist', * from #_files;
		if @debug =1 print @flist;
		if @debug =1 print len(@flist);

		set @td_checkpoint1 = getdate();  
		set @td_checkpoint2 = getdate();

		print 'Loading batch of parquet ' + convert(varchar(10),@iParquetFilePos) + '->' +  convert(varchar(10), @iParquetFilePos + @batchsize ) + ' took ' + convert(varchar(50),datediff(ms, @td_checkpoint1,@td_checkpoint2)) + ' ms'

		truncate table #_files;
		set @iParquetFilePos = @iParquetFilePos + @batchsize +1;
	-- if there is no file, there is no table and this causes a problem
	if charindex('#',@dest_table) > 0
		set @output_sql = 'IF OBJECT_ID(''tempdb..' + @dest_table + ''') IS NOT NULL 	 SELECT * from ' + @dest_table + ';'
		set @output_sql = 'IF OBJECT_ID(''' + @dest_table + ''') IS NOT NULL 	 SELECT * from ' + @dest_table + ';'

	if @debug = 1
		PRINT @output_sql;
	if @display = 1
		exec(@output_sql );





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Author(s): Mark Pryce-Maher is a Program Manager in Azure Synapse Customer Success Engineering (CSE) team. 











Version history
Last update:
‎Sep 14 2022 01:16 PM
Updated by: