Learning How to Transition Your SQL Server Skills to Azure SQL | Data Exposed
Published Aug 06 2020 10:17 AM 7,129 Views

The Azure Data team at Microsoft recently launched FOUR new ways for you to learn Azure SQL. They'll show you how to translate your existing SQL Server expertise to Azure SQL including Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance through all-new content on YouTube, GitHub, and Microsoft Learn. After completing the video series, learning path, or workshop, you will have a foundational knowledge of what to use when, as well as how to configure, secure, monitor, and troubleshoot Azure SQL. In this episode, Bob Ward, Anna Hoffman, and Marisa Brasile share the details of their all-new content and how to get started.


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YouTube: https://aka.ms/azuresql4beginners

Github: https://aka.ms/azuresqlworkshop

Microsoft Learn: https://aka.ms/azuresqlfundamentalsb


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‎Aug 06 2020 10:17 AM
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