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Lesson Learned #157: Connecting to Azure Managed Instance Using Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC

Jose_Manuel_Jurado's avatar
Jan 20, 2021

Today, we received a new service request that our customer wants to connect from Oracle to Azure SQL Managed Instance or Azure SQL Database using Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC using a Windows Operating system.


Following, I would like to share with you the steps that we've done:


First Step: Installation and Configuration of the different components:


1) Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC

  • Install it defining a new listener using the port, for example, 1528.
  • I modified the listerner.ora adding the following text:




  • The final result of listener.ora file looks like:


# listener.ora Network Configuration File: C:\app\tg\username\product\19.0.0\tghome_2\NETWORK\ADMIN\listener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1528))



  • I restarted the listener for this specific Oracle Instance. 

2) I modified the tnsnames.ora adding the following text: 


dg4odbc =


3) I re-started the listener.

4) I modified the file placed on <oracle_home_folder>\admin subfolder on your Oracle Home Installation with the following parameters:



# This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are
# needed for the Database Gateway for ODBC

# HS init parameters

# Environment variables required for the non-Oracle system
#set <envvar>=<value>



5) The parameter of the previous file HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO contains the name of the Data Source Name that we are going to use to connect. So, in this situation, using ODBC Data Source Administrator (64-Bit) I defined the following data source parameters:


  • Name: dg4odbc
  • Server: The name of my public instance name


  • SQL Server Authentication. 

  • Database Name that I want to connect.


Second Step: Test the connectivity and run a sample query.


  • Open a new Windows Command Prompt, I run sqlplus to connect to any instance of Oracle that I have: sqlplus system/MyPassword!@OracleInstance as sysdba
  • I created a database link to connect using ODBC to my Azure SQL Managed Instance


create database link my4 connect to "myuserName" identified by "MyPassword!" using 'dg4odbc';


  • Finally, I executed the following query to obtain data from the table customers making a reference of this database link: 


select * from customers@my4;


As I mentioned before this configuration process works, also, connecting to Azure SQL Database.



Updated Jan 20, 2021
Version 7.0
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