Installation/Validation of extension-based hybrid worker
Published Sep 07 2024 09:03 AM 1,096 Views

As you may be aware, Azure Automation Agent-based User Hybrid Runbook Worker (Windows and Linux) was retired on 31 August 2024, and support has been discontinued.


For guidance on migrating, please refer to this article: Migrate an existing agent-based hybrid workers to extension-based-workers in Azure Automation | Micr...


Nonetheless, users might want to verify whether their runbooks and jobs are utilizing the extension or agent-based system when they transition. It's worth noting that versions V1 and V2 of the same hybrid worker machine can be registered simultaneously with Azure Automation but will have different names.

If the V1 agent wasn’t uninstalled before the V2 extension was installed, this would lead Azure to detect both versions on the same machine.

The "last seen time" suggests V1 and V2 are communicating with Azure Automation if both exist.




It's also worth noting that some automation tasks are still being performed by the V1 worker, which accounts for its continued activity. Runbook jobs can be executed on any machine within the Hybrid Worker Group. Currently, this group includes both V1 and V2 versions, so the tasks are distributed between them.


The installation of V2 does not mean that the Hybrid Worker Group will disregard V1 and exclusively use V2.


Happy Learning!

Version history
Last update:
‎Sep 06 2024 02:06 PM
Updated by: