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Azure Database Support Blog

How to check if Azure SQL Managed Instances are enrolled (or not) on November 2022 Feature Wave?

luisaranda's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Aug 12, 2024

Recently, we have received a few questions from customers on how they can check if all the Azure SQL Managed Instances on a subscription have been enrolled in the November 2022 Feature Wave.

Resource graph query to the rescue!


Running this query is quite easy from the Azure portal. Follow the instructions on this article to understand how to run Kusto queries against resource graph.


Use the query below.


| where type =~ "microsoft.sql/virtualclusters"
| extend parsed_properties = parse_json(properties)
| extend version = tostring(parsed_properties.version)
| extend NovemberFeatureWave2022Enabled = iif(['version'] == '2.0','Yes','No')
| extend childResources = tostring(parsed_properties.childResources)
| mv-expand childResource = parse_json(childResources)
| extend subscriptionId = tostring(split(childResource, "/")[2])
| extend resourceGroup = tostring(split(childResource, "/")[4])
| extend managedInstance = tostring(split(childResource, "/")[-1])
| project subscriptionId, resourceGroup, managedInstance, VirtualCluster=name, NovemberFeatureWave2022Enabled
| order by ['subscriptionId'], resourceGroup, VirtualCluster, managedInstance



The output will show you at the subscription level if the instances have been enrolled or not.






Updated Aug 12, 2024
Version 1.0
  • Hi Jayendran! Thank you for your question. Today, there is no timeline to have all instances enrolled on November 2022 Feature Wave. The Product Group has to do a very deep assessment on each instance to see if it is a viable candidate to be enrolled with feature wave.


    We have found that there are some instances that may not be good candidates (e.g. no IP address space availability, incorrect custom DNS servers name resolution, etc...). Triggering a migration under such conditions could cause some downstream issues or cause the migration to fail.


    Due to the amount of SQL Managed Instances that we host on all regions and for all customers this is a massive effort which has to be carefully planned. 

  • Jayendran's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Thanks, @luisaranda. The Next obvious question was, is there any timeline if the instance is not enrolled on Novwave2022, and when can that be expected?