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Azure Database for PostgreSQL Blog

The serverless frontier: Announcing Azure's dual-peak serverless regions on Kilimanjaro

AlicjaKucharczyk's avatar
Apr 01, 2024

Today, we're thrilled to pull back the curtain on a super confidential project that has been operating under the radar within our innovation labs. Functioning internally under the code name ANACRoBPoMK – because, as you know, we're fans of simplicity – this initiative is poised to redefine what's possible in the cloud computing sphere. After decoding, ANACRoBPoMK stands for "A New Azure Cloud Region on Both Peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro," a venture that pushes the boundaries of technology and innovation to new, literally unparalleled heights.


Serverless heights: The ultimate cloud experience

Flexible Server team is taking innovation to new heights by implementing a fully serverless architecture for these Azure regions. This approach means there won't be any physical compute or storage infrastructure on the mountain, network is all we need. "By using Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server and other serverless solutions, we're reducing our environmental impact and increasing efficiency. Our main focus is setting up networking infrastructure - making sure there's seamless connectivity between the sky-high clouds and our cloud computing services," explained the lead architect, who was adjusting a satellite dish for better service connectivity.


Although launching an Azure region atop Mount Kilimanjaro is not something we usually do, the uniqueness and excitement of this project have inspired us to share more details with our community. To give you a comprehensive overview of what we're planning, we are excited to present a super confidential diagram that contains all the ANACRoBPoMK project details. This diagram is a testament to our commitment to transparency and our belief in the power of this project to inspire and innovate.


1Super confidential diagram that contains all the ANACRoBPoMK project details


Inspired by the legendary Monty Python documentary, "The Twin Peaks of Mt. Kilimanjaro", Microsoft is setting out on an adventurous project to establish new Azure cloud regions on both peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro. This bold initiative is not just a leap forward in technology but also a tribute to the playful genius of Monty Python, as Microsoft promises to search for any traces of the Monty Python lost expedition during this groundbreaking construction.


The following blog post about building New Azure region atop the Dual Peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro is an April Fool's Day joke. We apologize for any confusion or misunderstanding that may have resulted from the post.

At Azure Database for PostgreSQL, we are committed to providing accurate and reliable information to our customers. We take any miscommunication very seriously, and we assure you that this was a light-hearted prank that was not intended to mislead or cause any harm.

We appreciate your understanding and hope that you found the post to be a fun and enjoyable way to celebrate April Fool's Day. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.




Updated Apr 02, 2024
Version 4.0
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