Power BI modeling with ADX - cheat sheet
Creating Star-schema models with ADX
- Any dimension table should include a setting of IsDimension=true
- Relationships between DQ tables are created as M:M by default. This is not a problem and even recommended with single direction.
- If you want to change the relationship to 1:m , make sure to also check assume referential integrity. This will force the connector to use inner joins.
You can change to 1:M from the relationships properties
- Dimensions in dual mode are recommended especially if you want to search on dimensions and slicers cross filter each other.
- Date filters, unlike string filters, are not optimal when joining the fact table.
Date dimensions if needed, should be imported.
- Use Strings for key columns which participate in relationships.
Integer columns are less optimal and should be avoided.
- Decimal columns should be avoided as they are very slow in calculations.