Increasing individual query runtime may have impact on database performance. The more active users, the more focus on stability is required. Kusto is not different than any other db at this point.
That is why I would consider introducing workload management. Here's an example:
.alter cluster policy request_classification '{"IsEnabled":true}' <|
request_properties.current_application == "KusWeb", "reporting" ,
request_properties.current_principal in (
"aaduser=...-815b-Uf0fb024e045", //admin joe
"aaduser=...-815b-bf0fbO24e043", //admin mary
"aaduser=...-815b-bf0fb024e663" //VIP ->our CIO 🙂
), "adminuser",
request_properties.current_application == "Kusto.Explorer" , "standarduser",
.create-or-alter workload_group ['standarduser']
"RequestLimitsPolicy": {
"DataScope": {
"IsRelaxable": true,
"Value": "All"
"MaxMemoryPerQueryPerNode": {
"IsRelaxable": true,
"Value": 30064535552
"MaxMemoryPerIterator": {
"IsRelaxable": true,
"Value": 5368709120
"MaxFanoutThreadsPercentage": {
"IsRelaxable": true,
"Value": 100
"MaxFanoutNodesPercentage": {
"IsRelaxable": true,
"Value": 100
"MaxResultRecords": {
"IsRelaxable": true,
"Value": 500000
"MaxResultBytes": {
"IsRelaxable": true,
"Value": 67108864
"MaxExecutionTime": {
"IsRelaxable": true,
"Value": "00:02:00"
"RequestRateLimitPolicies": [
"IsEnabled": true,
"Scope": "WorkloadGroup",
"LimitKind": "ConcurrentRequests",
"Properties": {
"MaxConcurrentRequests": 80
"RequestRateLimitsEnforcementPolicy": {
"QueriesEnforcementLevel": "QueryHead",
"CommandsEnforcementLevel": "Database"