Building an Azure Service Tag Lookup utility with KQL and a Free Cluster
Published Nov 24 2022 09:24 PM 3,363 Views


Author(s): Gilles L'Hérault is a Principal Program Manager in Azure Synapse Customer Success Engineering (CSE) team. 



Dealing with IP addresses is a fact of life when architecting solutions in Azure. ADX has specific functions that will accelerate time to insights when dealing with IP networking. This post will go over a real-life scenario using special KQL function that will blow your mind!


Imagine you have some host (e.g. an on-premises Virtual machine), and it wants to talk to an azure service over many different IP addresses and obviously you do not want to create Firewall rules for every IP address. Service tags will help you do that. The goal of this demo is to determine if a set of IP addresses that represents a hypothetical network traffic capture are covered by a service tag. This is where KQL will help us.


What will you learn?

  • What is a service tag?
  • How to download the latest Service tag list using PowerShell
  • How to ingest the service tags in ADX
  • Create function to only display the latest version of service tags in ADX
  • How to use this setup to analyze IP traffic and choose the best Service Tag to support Firewall Rules.

What is a service tag

In Azure, a “ServiceTags” represents a set of IP address range (in CIDR notation) that belong to a specific service. For example, the service tag “DataFactory.CanadaCentral” allows you to get all the public IP addresses prefixes that are associated with the Azure Data Factory service in the CanadaCentral region. Here are the prefixes:

  • "",
  • "",
  • "",
  • "",
  • "",
  • "",
  • "",
  • "2603:1030:f05:1::480/121",
  • "2603:1030:f05:1::500/122",
  • "2603:1030:f05:1::700/121",
  • "2603:1030:f05:1::780/122",
  • "2603:1030:f05:402::330/124",
  • "2603:1030:f05:802::210/124",
  • "2603:1030:f05:c02::210/124"


Why are service tags important?

This is used extensively inside azure to perform micro-segmentation using Network Security Groups (NSGs). But one less common use case is when a customer wants to know which IP address, they need to whitelist in their on-premises outbound firewall for a given Azure service. i.e., I have a machine here on-premise and it’s trying to talk to a blob store in Azure, what IP range do I have to whitelist?

Now of course you can create firewall rule using the IP addresses themselves, but Azure is big! Really big! And we add new IP Addresses frequently. It’s important to keep your firewall rules up to date and to that end, we’ve created ways to programmatically get all the IP addresses linked to a service tag and thus give you the ability to update your firewall periodically. Note that some modern firewalls have the ability to be "Service Tag Aware" and will allow you to craft rules based on them.


If you want to do this manually, you can also download a JSON file with all the IPs for you to manually scan and determine what are the IP range for a given tag. For example, this link will take you to the public cloud IP file list. The other azure cloud are available on the main page as well.


Getting the latest set of service tags

The JSON file available from the site earlier cannot be ingested as is. The reasons why are beyond the scope of this blog post but this post, you can skip right to downloading an ADX friendly JSON here but if you are interested, check out this Git Repo where I have a PowerShell script that generates this ADX friendly version that you can ingest once in a while to keep this up to date. 


Note that I have included two version of the file. They were generated using the script about two weeks apart. You can ingest the "101" version followed by the "102" version in the ingestion steps below. This will demo how we can use ADX go always get the latest.


Putting it all together using ADX




  • The PowerShell script uses packages that are pretty standard for PowerShell but if you do not have them already, you will need sufficient permissions to add packages.
  • You will also need an azure subscription to pull the data from when using the script.
  • If you have not done so already, go get your free ADX cluster and let’s get started.
  • Create a blank new Database or use an existing one

Creating a table and the associated data mapping


Use the following KQL code to create the table where we will store the service tag data:


.create table ['MyServiceTags']  
, ['ServiceTagId']:string
, ['ServiceTagRegion']:string
, ['ServiceTagAddressPrefixes']:dynamic
, ['ServiceTagSystemService']:string
, ['ServiceTagChangeNumber']:string
, ['CloudType']:string
, ['CloudChangeNumber']:int


Now use the following code to create the data mapping


.create table ['MyServiceTags'] ingestion json mapping 'MyServiceTags_mapping' 
 ,{"column":"ServiceTagChangeNumber", "Properties":{"Path":"$[\'Properties\'][\'ChangeNumber\']"}}
 ,{"column":"CloudType", "Properties":{"Path":"$[\'CloudType\']"}}
 ,{"column":"CloudChangeNumber", "Properties":{"Path":"$[\'CloudChangeNumber\']"}}

Ingesting the file


With the table created and the mapping in place, we can easily use “one-click” ingestion to get this data in our free cluster.


  • Head over to your query pane, right click on your database and select “Ingest data”.
  • Make sure “Existing table” is selected and “MyServiceTag” table name is selected in the drop-down list. Hit “Next: Source”
  • Make sure the “source type” is set to “from file” and select the JSON you downloaded earlier. Hit “Next: Schema”
  • Make sure to toggle “Use Existing Mapping” on and select “MyServiceTags_mapping” in the drop-down.
  • Hit “Next: Start ingestion” and let the process complete. Once it is done, you are ready to put this data to work!

Assembling the final query


If you remember our scenario, we are simulating a case where a network engineer has in his or her possession a list of IP addresses that represents outbound traffic that must be whitelisted to Azure. The engineer knows that they could use one firewall rule per IP address but it’s horribly inefficient and does not scale well with the rapid rate of change that Azure has. So, the engineer wants to compare the IP address that we have in the list with the Service tag address prefix. Here’s how we do it.


GetLatestServiceTags function First, let's make a function that acts like a view and always returns the latest IP ranges for a given set of tags. You can then periodically run the PowerShell script, ingest the resulting JSON and the function will always return up to date info.

Here's the KQL script with comments:


.create-or-alter function with (folder = "Helper Functions", docstring = "Get latest service tags", skipvalidation = "true") GetLatestServiceTags() {
        // First we get the latest CloudChangeNumber so we get the latest set of service tags and corresponding addressPrefixes
        // Note I am using the Arg_max function on the change number and returning that number. I have to use toscalar() in order
        // to use this as a variable for my where clause below.
    let MaxCloudChangeNumber = 
    toscalar(MyServiceTags | summarize arg_max(CloudChangeNumber, CloudChangeNumber));
    | where CloudChangeNumber == MaxCloudChangeNumber
        // The address prefixes are stored in an array so we have to expand that array using the Mv-expand command.
        // note I am using aliasing the resulting column "ServiceTagAddressPrefix" (singular) to denote that we are 
        // expecting on prefix per row after the expand operation
    | mv-expand ServiceTagAddressPrefix = ServiceTagAddressPrefixes
        // we're keeping only these two columns to keep things simple
    | project 
            //Next we are explicitly casting the IP prefix (or range) as a string because the MV-expand makes no assumptions and keeps it as a Dynamic data type which is not what we want for the next step
        ,ServiceTagIpRange = tostring(ServiceTagAddressPrefix)


Using the ipv4_lookup plugin

Now we are ready to put it all together and invoke the IPv4_lookup plugin which will do the work for us. This plugin will, in effect, run a for each loop in a sense that will check whether the IP address in our “MyIp” in memory table (see below) matches one of the address prefixes in the “MyServiceTag” table. Here’s how to do it. This script can be found in the repo here.


// first we create a table with a set of IP adresses we want to check against the service tag data
// We're using a let statement that returns a table called "MyIps" with the IPs in it. 
let MyIps = datatable(ip:string)
| evaluate ipv4_lookup
                     // First parameter is the lookup table. Here we're calling the helper function
                    // next we tell it what column to use in the sample table. Here it's called "ip"
                    // finally we tell it the column to compare it to. Here it is the "ServiceTagIpRange"

If everything worked, only one of the IP addresses above will be a match. Indeed is an IP reserved for Data Factory in the CanadaCentral region. Let’s dig into the results and see what this means:


ip ServiceTagName ServiceTagIpRange CloudChangeNumber DataFactoryManagement 102 DataFactory.CanadaCentral 102 DataFactory 102 AzureCloud.canadacentral 102 AzureCloud 102


As a network engineer, you want to whitelist the least number of public IPs as possible. This list has a number of different service tags, and they all cover that IP but you don't necessarily want to whitelist a tag that contains a large number of IP range since you won't necessarily use them all. Let's use KQL to get a sense of how many ranges we have for each of them. We can use the function created earlier but run a quick stats script like so:


// Let's get a quick datatable with our servicetags of interest in it
let MyServiceTagSample = datatable(ServiceTagName:string)
// use an inner join to get the ranges associated with the service tags of interest
| join kind=inner MyServiceTagSample on ServiceTagName
// casting a flag to determine is it's an IP V4 or IP V6 so we don't skew the count
| extend isIpv4 = case(indexof(ServiceTagIpRange,":") > 0, 0, 1)
| summarize StCount = count() by ServiceTagName, isIpv4
// Ordering by count and by service tags
| order by StCount, ServiceTagName


Let's dig into the results:


ServiceTagName isIpv4 StCount
AzureCloud 1 5325
AzureCloud 0 1040
DataFactory 1 344
DataFactory 0 279
DataFactoryManagement 1 212
DataFactoryManagement 0 194
AzureCloud.canadacentral 1 73
AzureCloud.canadacentral 0 13
DataFactory.CanadaCentral 1 8
DataFactory.CanadaCentral 0 7


As you can see, if you whitelist the AzureCloud service tag, the is included in one the ranges but you are, in effect, whitelisting the entire list of public IPs for everything in the public azure cloud. So obviously not what we want.


As you make your way down the list, you can see the service tags getting progressively more concise. The very last one "DataFactory.CanadaCentral" is the clear winner here with only 8 IP ranges. Ultimately, the choice is made by the network engineer to either use a narrowed down service tag or a broader one. Depending on your strategy and regional scale, a broader service tag may be more useful.


With this approach, you can help your customer be more intentional with their firewall rules and take the trial-and-error approach out of the picture. Some of the more modern network security appliances on the market even support Azure Service Tags so network engineer can create on-premises firewall rule that are "azure aware" and can thus abstract away the complexities of running a large-scale firewall rule set.


I hope you found this helpful, there is tons of ways we can make this even more powerful so please be generous with your feedback and contributions!

Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 10 2022 09:01 PM
Updated by: