Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 10: File Conflicted between two Windows Server 2008)
Published Apr 04 2019 02:00 PM 759 Views

First published on TechNet on Apr 02, 2009

In this scenario we will see a file that has been changed on two servers in between replication convergence and how that conflict resolution is replicated between servers. This is useful to understand in order to troubleshoot issues (or perception of issues that are actually expected behavior) leading to conflicts.


(conflictwinner - Dfsr00001 - 2008.log and conflictloser - Dfsr00001 - 2008.log)


These are two Windows Server 2008 servers called 2008x86FSRV10 and 2008x86SRV11 in the contoso.com domain. The logs are from 2008x86FSRV10 (where the conflict is won) and from 2008x86SRV11 (where the conflict is lost). Both servers are participating in the TESTRG3 replication group for the TESTRF3 replicated folder. The file was called “confile.rtf”.


<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:20.994 3104 USNC  2361 UsnConsumer::UpdateIdRecord LDB Updating ID Record: << File modified and information being added to the DFSR database

+       fid                             0x400000000BA14 << File ID for cross-reference purposes with USN journal

+       usn                             0x25f7898

+       uidVisible                      1

+       filtered                        0

+       journalWrapped                  0

+       slowRecoverCheck                0

+       pendingTombstone                0

+       internalUpdate                  0

+       dirtyShutdownMismatch           0

+       meetInstallUpdate               0

+       meetReanimated                  0

+       recUpdateTime                   20080908 15:31:45.162 GMT

+       present                         1

+       nameConflict                    0

+       attributes                      0x20 << file, not folder

+       ghostedHeader                   0

+       data                            0

+       gvsn                            {5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 << version is higher than UID so we know this file has been modified at least once (but remember that versions are not sequential for a file, they are sequential for the file server.)

+       uid                             {5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 << GUID matches between versions, so the file was created and last modified on this server

+       parent                          {009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}-v1

+       fence                           16010101 00:00:00.000

+       clockDecrementedInDirtyShutdown 0

+       clock                           20080908 15:40:20.979 GMT (0x1c911c933ac2f01)

+       createTime                      20080908 15:31:45.131 GMT

+       csId                            {009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}

+       hash                            00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+       similarity                      00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+       name                            confile.rtf << file name is ‘confile.rtf’


<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:20.994 3104 USNC  2364 UsnConsumer::UpdateIdRecord ID record updated from USN_RECORD: << USN journal is updated at the same time to show a modification record (technically it happens before the DB update, this is a logging idiosyncrasy’)

+       USN_RECORD:

+       RecordLength:        88

+       MajorVersion:        2

+       MinorVersion:        0

+       FileRefNumber:       0x400000000BA14 << note that FID’s match between USN and LDB debug log entries. We know this is the same file.

+       ParentFileRefNumber: 0x2100000000A77C

+       USN:                 0x25f7898

+       TimeStamp:           20080908 08:40:20.979 Pacific Standard Time

+       Reason:              Close Data Extend Data truncation << reason code indicates the file has been modified (extend & truncate)

+       SourceInfo:          0x0

+       SecurityId:          0x0

+       FileAttributes:      0x20 << file, not folder

+       FileNameLength:      22

+       FileNameOffset:      60

+       FileName:            confile.rtf << same file name


<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:29.682 2824 SRTR  1927 SERVER_AsyncPoll Received from connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} << server receives

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.339 2352 RSMG  1036 [WARN] ReplicaSetManager::EstablishConnection Shutting down existing connection. connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} rgName:ConRG

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.339 2352 OUTC   487 OutConnection::Shutdown Shutdown connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} rgName:ConRG

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.339 2352 SRTR   712 SERVER_EstablishConnection Succeeded on connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} replicaSetId:{1551E20B-36F1-4EE4-B6D0-3154E5C28E44} rgName:ConRG partnerAddress:2008x86FSRV11.contoso.com

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.339 2352 OUTC  2610 OutConnection::EstablishSession Replacing content set. csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} rgName:ConRG

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.339 2352 SRTR   794 SERVER_EstablishSession Established connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.339 2824 SRTR  1927 SERVER_AsyncPoll Received from connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771}

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.339 2824 SRTR  1880 SERVER_RequestVersionVector Received from connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} seqNumber:1 changeType:notify

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.339 2824 SRTR  1880 SERVER_RequestVersionVector Received from connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} seqNumber:2 changeType:all

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.339 2824 SRTR  1927 SERVER_AsyncPoll Received from connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771}

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 2212 DOWN  2723 AsyncRpcHandler::ProcessReceive Completion. connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} reqType:AsyncPollRequest reqState:Completed status:0 ptr:00D01BF8

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 2212 DOWN  2723 AsyncRpcHandler::ProcessReceive Completion. connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} reqType:VvUpRequest reqState:Completed status:0 ptr:00C80FE0

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 2212 INCO  3959 InConnection::ReceiveVvUp Received VvUp connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} csName:conrf vvUp:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F} |-> { 10..15} << version vector exchange occurs and the (future) loser gets the chain from partner (local is 10, remote is 15)


<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 2212 INCO  3966 InConnection::ReceiveVvUp Creating new session:5 requestState:00C80FE0 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} csName:conrf vvDown:{0E1F0993-5130-4BB2-B409-FD13366B9A0C} |-> { 10}

+       {5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F} |-> { 10..14} << previous chain was local 10, remote 14


<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 2596 INCO  4619 InConnection::RequestUpdates Requesting updates. credits:32 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} csName:conrf requestType:all cursor:{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}-v0 delta::{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F} |-> { 15} << new high watermark version from remote will be 15, which matches the version on our file upstream


<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 2212 DOWN  2723 AsyncRpcHandler::ProcessReceive Completion. connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} reqType:AsyncPollRequest reqState:Completed status:0 ptr:00D01BF8

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 2212 INCO  4803 InConnection::ReceiveUpdates Upstream credits:32 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} csName:conrf creditsUsed:1 creditsAvailable:32 << downstream server gets a credit out of his 32 credit pool with partner

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 2212 INCO  4868 InConnection::ReceiveUpdates Received: uid:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 gvsn:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 fileName:confile.rtf session:5 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} csName:conrf << update information has been sent to the downstream server (now it knows about date/time as well, which will be used to break the tie and cause downstream to lose)

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 2596 MEET  1207 Meet::Install Retries:0 updateName:confile.rtf uid:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 gvsn:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csName:conrf updateType:remote  << downstream ready to pull file

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 2596 MEET  5674 Meet::LocalDominates Conflicting gvsn:{0E1F0993-5130-4BB2-B409-FD13366B9A0C}-v10 updateName:confile.rtf uid:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 gvsn:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csName:conrf << a somewhat confusing message – the function ‘localdominates’ makes it sound like the downstream server has won, but this is just because the function is called localdominates (i.e. ‘checking IF local dominates’). If DebugLogSeverity=5 here there will additional trace logging that will show “Local version dominates localgvsn” or “"Remote version dominates localgvsn”). In this case, local has lost.

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 2212 INCO  4932 InConnection::ReceiveUpdates Session has been closed. sessionId:5 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} csName:conrf

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 2212 DOWN  2723 AsyncRpcHandler::ProcessReceive Completion. connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} reqType:UpdateRequest reqState:Completed status:0 ptr:00C80EE8

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 3244 INCO  3750 InConnection::RequestVvUp Requested upstream version vector. requestState:00C805E0 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} csName:conrf changeType:notify

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.340 2212 DOWN  2723 AsyncRpcHandler::ProcessReceive Completion. connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} reqType:VvUpRequest reqState:Completed status:0 ptr:00C805E0

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.355 2824 SRTR   882 SERVER_RequestUpdates Received from connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} credits:32 requestType:all

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.355 2824 SRTR  1927 SERVER_AsyncPoll Received from connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771}

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.355 2548 JOIN  1167 Join::SubmitUpdate Sent: uid:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 gvsn:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 name:confile.rtf connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} csName:conrf << upstream is now serving the file

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.355 2824 SRTR  1880 SERVER_RequestVersionVector Received from connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} seqNumber:3 changeType:notify

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.355 2008 OUTC   784 OutConnection::OpenFile Received request for update: << upstream gets an RPC request to serve the file to downstream partner

+       present                         1

+       nameConflict                    0

+       attributes                      0x20

+       ghostedHeader                   0

+       data                            0

+       gvsn                            {5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15

+       uid                             {5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11

+       parent                          {009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}-v1

+       fence                           16010101 00:00:00.000

+       clockDecrementedInDirtyShutdown 0

+       clock                           20080908 15:40:20.979 GMT (0x1c911c933ac2f01)

+       createTime                      20080908 15:31:45.131 GMT

+       csId                            {009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}

+       hash                            00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+       similarity                      00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+       name                            confile.rtf

+       rdcDesired:1 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} rgName:ConRG

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.355 2008 OUTC  1534 OutConnection::OpenFile Sent file uid:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 gvsn:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 name:confile.rtf fileSize:47783 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} rgName:ConRG << file is being replicated. Note the lack of staging process below, this file is only 47KB.

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.355 2008 MRSH  4615 Marshaller::Marshal FileAttrs in metadata : 0x20

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.355 2008 OUTC   158 SaveHashReader::Close Saving hash of served file

<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.355 2008 CSMG  4844 ContentSetManager::UpdateHash LDB Updating ID Record: << DFSR database updated with hash information.

+       fid                             0x400000000BA14

+       usn                             0x25f7898

+       uidVisible                      1

+       filtered                        0

+       journalWrapped                  0

+       slowRecoverCheck                0

+       pendingTombstone                0

+       internalUpdate                  0

+       dirtyShutdownMismatch           0

+       meetInstallUpdate               0

+       meetReanimated                  0

+       recUpdateTime                   20080908 15:40:20.994 GMT

+       present                         1

+       nameConflict                    0

+       attributes                      0x20

+       ghostedHeader                   0

+       data                            0

+       gvsn                            {5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15

+       uid                             {5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11

+       parent                          {009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}-v1

+       fence                           16010101 00:00:00.000

+       clockDecrementedInDirtyShutdown 0

+       clock                           20080908 15:40:20.979 GMT (0x1c911c933ac2f01)

+       createTime                      20080908 15:31:45.131 GMT

+       csId                            {009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}

+       hash                            00F1C53D-312C1265-D91F9B6A-19316BBA

+       similarity                      00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+       name                            confile.rtf


<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 MRSH  3959 MarshalContext::Initialize Create file:[confile-{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15.rtf] with attributes:0x20 << downstream server is replicating file from partner. The file will bypass local staging due to size and go straight into the Installing directory.

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 INCO  5610 InConnection::LogTransferActivity Received RAWGET uid:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 gvsn:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 fileName:confile.rtf connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} stagedSize:21030

<< the file has been copied in RAW (i.e. non-RDC) form to the downstream server

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 MEET  2032 Meet::Download Download Succeeded : true updateName:confile.rtf uid:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 gvsn:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csName:conrf csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} << copying the file over was successful

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 MEET  5674 Meet::LocalDominates Conflicting gvsn:{0E1F0993-5130-4BB2-B409-FD13366B9A0C}-v10 updateName:confile.rtf uid:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 gvsn:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csName:conrf << another mention of the conflict being lost on local downstream partner

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 MEET  2772 Meet::InstallRename Move out previous version of same file updateName:confile.rtf uid:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 gvsn:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csName:conrf << The previously existing copy of the file in the replicated folder now needs to be moved into the COnflictANdDeleted folder.

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 MEET  4867 Meet::MoveOut Moving contents and children out of replica. newName:confile-{0E1F0993-5130-4BB2-B409-FD13366B9A0C}-v10.rtf updateName:confile.rtf uid:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 gvsn:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csName:conrf record: << the previous file is now moved into the ConflictAndDeleted folder under dfsrprivate in the replicated folder. The ConflictAndDeletedManifest.XML is updated to reflect this.

+       fid                             0x2100000000A77C

+       usn                             0x25f2990

+       uidVisible                      1

+       filtered                        0

+       journalWrapped                  0

+       slowRecoverCheck                0

+       pendingTombstone                0

+       internalUpdate                  0

+       dirtyShutdownMismatch           0

+       meetInstallUpdate               0

+       meetReanimated                  0

+       recUpdateTime                   20080908 15:38:52.571 GMT

+       present                         1

+       nameConflict                    0

+       attributes                      0x20

+       ghostedHeader                   0

+       data                            0

+       gvsn                            {0E1F0993-5130-4BB2-B409-FD13366B9A0C}-v10

+       uid                             {5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11

+       parent                          {009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}-v1

+       fence                           16010101 00:00:00.000

+       clockDecrementedInDirtyShutdown 0

+       clock                           20080908 15:38:52.555 GMT (0x1c911c8fef7cd5c)

+       createTime                      20080908 15:31:45.131 GMT

+       csId                            {009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}

+       hash                            00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+       similarity                      00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+       name                            confile.rtf


<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 EVNT   725 EventLog::Report Logging eventId:4412 parameterCount:9

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 EVNT   745 EventLog::Report         eventId:4412 parameter1:009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 EVNT   745 EventLog::Report         eventId:4412 parameter2:C:\conrf\confile.rtf

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 EVNT   745 EventLog::Report         eventId:4412 parameter3:c:\conrf

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 EVNT   745 EventLog::Report         eventId:4412 parameter4:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 EVNT   745 EventLog::Report         eventId:4412 parameter5:conrf

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 EVNT   745 EventLog::Report         eventId:4412 parameter6:ConRG

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 EVNT   745 EventLog::Report         eventId:4412 parameter7:1551E20B-36F1-4EE4-B6D0-3154E5C28E44

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 EVNT   745 EventLog::Report         eventId:4412 parameter8:D31217D6-0F05-437A-8FDF-84949FD7D2D6

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 EVNT   745 EventLog::Report         eventId:4412 parameter9:confile-{0E1F0993-5130-4BB2-B409-FD13366B9A0C}-v10.rtf << the following strings are built and written into the 4412 DFSR ‘conflict’ event in the event log.

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 MEET  2837 Meet::InstallRename File moved. rootVolume:{3C84BB07-22D1-11DD-862B-806E6F6E6963} parentFid:0x600000000A5B6 fidInInstalling:0x300000000B9FD usn:0x2618560 updateName:confile.rtf uid:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 gvsn:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csName:conrf << move to C&D folder is complete.

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 MEET  6746 Meet::UpdateIdRecord LDB Updating ID Record: << The DFSR database must be updated to reflect the new file information on the downstream loser.

+       fid                             0x300000000B9FD

+       usn                             0x2618560

+       uidVisible                      1

+       filtered                        0

+       journalWrapped                  0

+       slowRecoverCheck                0

+       pendingTombstone                0

+       internalUpdate                  0

+       dirtyShutdownMismatch           0

+       meetInstallUpdate               1 << marks that the update was caused by inbound replication.

+       meetReanimated                  0

+       recUpdateTime                   16010101 00:00:00.000 GMT

+       present                         1

+       nameConflict                    0

+       attributes                      0x20

+       ghostedHeader                   0

+       data                            0

+       gvsn                            {5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15

+       uid                             {5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 << the GVSN and UID are now matched to the upstream server

+       parent                          {009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}-v1

+       fence                           16010101 00:00:00.000

+       clockDecrementedInDirtyShutdown 0

+       clock                           20080908 15:40:20.979 GMT (0x1c911c933ac2f01)

+       createTime                      20080908 15:31:45.131 GMT

+       csId                            {009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}

+       hash                            00F1C53D-312C1265-D91F9B6A-19316BBA << the hash now matches the upstream version

+       similarity                      00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+       name                            confile.rtf


<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 MEET  2949 Meet::InstallRename -> DONE Install-rename completed updateName:confile.rtf uid:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 gvsn:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csName:conrf csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} << the newer version of the file has now been moved into the replicated folder downstream

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.356 2596 INCO  5897 InConnection::UpdateProcessed Received Update. updatesLeft:0 processed:1 failures:0 sessionId:5 open:0 updateType:0 processStatus:0 connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} csName:conrf update: << processing of the update is complete.

+       present                         1

+       nameConflict                    0

+       attributes                      0x20

+       ghostedHeader                   0

+       data                            0

+       gvsn                            {5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15

+       uid                             {5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11

+       parent                          {009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}-v1

+       fence                           16010101 00:00:00.000

+       clockDecrementedInDirtyShutdown 0

+       clock                           20080908 15:40:20.979 GMT (0x1c911c933ac2f01)

+       createTime                      20080908 15:31:45.131 GMT

+       csId                            {009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}

+       hash                            00F1C53D-312C1265-D91F9B6A-19316BBA

+       similarity                      00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

+       name                            confile.rtf


<Upstream> 20080908 08:40:42.370 2008 SRTR  2357 InitializeFileTransferAsyncState::ProcessIoCompletion Initialized connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} rdc:1 context:00000000,00000000,00000000 uid:{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v11 gvsn{5CB120DE-D2C2-452A-8280-B45FC155224F}-v15 ptr:00981B38

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.387 2596 INCO  6194 InConnection::CommitSession Connection in sync connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0} csName:conrf commitedSessionsWithUpdateFailures:0

<Downstream> 20080908 08:40:42.387 2596 UPMG   418 UpdateWorker::ConsumeUpdates No pending updates. connId:{2A41E070-E3EF-4F15-8CA0-4BC0F256D771} csName:conrf csId:{009349B5-8677-4352-AC4F-13BCC111BAA0}


Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 1: Logging Levels, Log Format, GUID’s)
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 2: Nested Fields, Module ID's)
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 3: The Log Scenario Format, File Added to Replicated Folder ....
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 4: A Very Small File Added to Replicated Folder on Windows S....
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 5: File Modified on Windows Server 2003 R2)
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 6: Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 File Modified on Windows Se....
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 7: Microsoft Office Word 2007 File Modified on Windows Serve....
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 8: File Deleted from Windows Server 2003 R2)
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 9: File is Renamed on Windows Server 2003 R2)
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 10: File Conflicted between two Windows Server 2008)
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 11: Directory created on Windows Server 2003 R2)
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 12: Domain Controller Bind and Config Polling on Windows Ser....
Understanding DFSR debug logging (part 13: A New Replication Group and Replicated Folder between tw....
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 14: A sharing violation due to a file locked upstream betwee....
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 15: Pre-Seeded Data Usage during Initial Sync)
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 16: File modification with RDC in very granular detail (uses....
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 17: Replication failing because of blocked RPC ports (uses d....
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 18: LDAP queries failing due to network (uses debug severity....
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 19: File Blocked Inbound by a File Screen Filter Driver (use....
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 20: Skipped temporary and filtered files (uses debug severit....
Understanding DFSR debug logging (Part 21: File replication performance from throttling (uses debug....


Version history
Last update:
‎Jun 08 2023 02:33 PM
Updated by: