Startup Boost FAQ

This thread has been locked for new comments by a moderator, if you have a new similar issue then please start a new thread.

EDIT: We have an updated version of this FAQ over on the support site now. Head over the Get help with startup boost page to review the latest information about startup boost, including how to submit feedback to offer suggestions and report issues. We are locking this thread, but we encourage you to post a new thread if you have any questions that are not answered on the new FAQ page.


Starting with Microsoft Edge Build 88, we are releasing a new feature called startup boost to improve the Microsoft Edge browser startup experience. To learn more about it, read the FAQ below.


Note: We are in the process of releasing this feature, so it may be a little while before you see it in your respective channel and build.


1. What is startup boost?
To improve Microsoft Edge startup speed, we have developed a feature called startup boost. Startup boost keeps the browser running in the background with minimal processes, so Microsoft Edge will start more quickly when launched.


2. What benefits do I get from startup boost?
Microsoft Edge will start more quickly when it is launched from the taskbar, desktop, or from hyperlinks embedded in other applications when you log on after device startup or the browser is closed.


3. What is the resource impact of startup boost?
Startup boost keeps the browser running in the background with minimal processes when the browser is closed, which has a limited impact on device resource usage. Startup boost does not add any additional resources when browser windows are already open.


4. How does startup boost work?
Startup boost starts core Microsoft Edge processes in the background to keep them ready when the browser is closed, so Microsoft Edge will start more quickly when launched.


5. How do I know if startup boost is running?
You can check if the feature is on in the browser Settings under edge://settings/system.


6. Is startup boost available on all platforms?
Currently, startup boost is only available on devices with most versions of Windows.


7. What are the heuristics for startup boost to be enabled by default?
Startup boost is available on Windows devices (excluding Windows 10X and servers) with more than 4GB of RAM, or more than 1GB of RAM if the device has a modern disk (modern HDD with Trim and SeekPenalty or SSD), when Microsoft Edge is the default web browser with no extensions installed. These criteria were informed by experimentation data.

If startup boost is not enabled on your device, you can choose to manually enable it in the browser Settings under edge://settings/system.


8. What startup boost group policies will enterprises get?
We have a group policy that allows administrators and users to enable or disable startup boost.

These can be both mandatory or recommended group policies. If it is a recommended group policy, IT admins will have the ability to set the default behavior that their users can change later, if they wish.


9. Why do others see the feature, but I do not?
We are in the process of deploying this feature, so it may be a little while before you see it in your respective channel and build.


10. Can I turn off startup boost?
Yes, startup boost can be toggled on and off by going to edge://settings/system.


11. I can no longer debug in Edge using Visual Studio. How can I fix this?
We are sorry to see you ran into this issue! This is a startup boost bug that our team has resolved but you may not get the update for some time. In the meantime you can either:

    • Restart your device -> Start debugging in Visual Studio -> Then turn off startup boost by going to edge://settings/system in the browser window opened by Visual Studio Debugger.
    • Temporarily download and run Edge Canary channel while debugging since this channel has the fix.


12. How do I send feedback?
We are eager to get your feedback on startup boost. If you experience an issue, please let us know through Microsoft Edge by pressing Shift+Alt+I on a Windows device, click on the feedback icon in the upper right corner of the address bar, or going to Settings and more > Help and feedback > Send feedback.


You can also discuss your experience here on the Microsoft Edge Insider forums and Twitter.


- The Microsoft Edge Product Team


91 Replies


I don't want to be "outrageous", but I know the Edge team really listens carefully when you give feedback, so I want to put it bluntly: "Secretly" changing browser settings without informing the user is an absolute no-go. 

This is something you can do within the insider channels, but not in the stable version. It's a question of trust, and trust is essential for a browser.

To be clear again, I am saying this as a "friend".

Thank you for your thoughts. I have shared this with the team.


But you are being outrageous. That's ok because that is a valid point. And may I add to this that there should be two options to choose from after relaunching the browser from an update that include this feature. This way it will be impervious to the whinny click happy individuals that like to click "yes" to everything. 

For a non-persistent environment there should be a delay before startup boost becomes active, similar to Teams or maybe a few minutes.

Mein aktueller Edge Browser zeigt den Schieberregler für die Startverstärkung gar nicht erst an, obwohl die neuste Version des Browsers installiert ist. Kann ich den Fehler irgendwie beheben. Bitte um Antworten. Danke

What I love about Startup Boost is that I can shut it off.  I'm a bit obsessed with making my computer as much of a lean, mean gaming machine as I can, so anything that I can prevent from running in the background while I'm trying to play a game is a good thing.  I also like how much easier it is to adjust the settings in general with Edge than it ever was with Internet Explorer.  @Julie_Deng 

The startup boost is an excellent resource that works well for many people
But certainly not all people who use edge want or need the startup boost
I agree that it is good to see this feature being optional
!holas. yo tengo una compu del orto y con esa garcha me banca unos 3 o 4 segundos de espera =V... Muy bueno!!!

Remember guys, Microsoft is in everything now with this upgrade they will control your computer way more an they only like wen we have everything open that is compatible with them, this boot thing an the windows10 S you cant even used GoogleChome without them getting in the way with Bing an making you restart your pc supposedly for an upgrade an is to change all your setting to Default. OMG Please change this futures because some of us like to have both browsers. Stop controlling our systems plsss

Huh? that's not what's happening o.O
Good for us to understand how fast it is

Very Will:smile::flushed:


StartUp Boost






[{:smile::sad::lol: :hearteyes:':stareyes:'(Copy Image ):unamused::cryingwithlaughter::xd::happyface::suprised::flushed::cry::facepalm:}Save Image] Post


Hello! I have a question that was not mentioned in the FAQ. What happens if Microsoft Edge crashes while startup boost is on? Does it keep the core processes running, or do all processes end immediately when the browser crashes, regardless of if Startup Boost is on?

Note: This is not the same as killing the process in Task Manager. That automatically kills all processes selected, regardless of if Startup Boost is on or not.

@Julie_Deng   my computer had to be reset to factory I  need to reset my password to my email



Hi there,
This function have some error. When I enable this function, the music on edge will be turned on although my laptop is close.


I often listen music by using edge.

When I left , I just close my laptop without pausing music. Then my laptop will fall in sleep and the music is off until I open my laptop next. And when I open my laptop, the music will come back.

But when I enable this function, my laptop will turn music on by itself at some random time EVEN IT IS CLOSED !!!


Think about this:

When you fall in sleep at your bed, your laptop suddenly turn your music on and you have to go off your bed and open your laptop, pause your music by your hand.

I don't use Edge as my default browser. How can I stop Edge from launching when I start up my computer


Leon Theron



Edge should not launch automatically, however there are Edge processes that do start. Since Edge uses the same Chromium based engine as Google Chrome does, you should be able to find the settings menu. Click the three dots in the top right in Edge (A drop-down menu will appear), click settings, then click System on the left side. Turn off anything that has a sliding "on and off" switch.
That should do the trick. Now also make sure that you click the "Start menu" open Windows settings, Apps, and on the left side choose "Default Apps and then find where is says "Browser", click on whatever browser is showing and then choose your preferred browser of choice in the dropdown menu.

Hi Jesse,


Thank you for your prompt rersponse. Applied and should be OK





Hi all, we have resolved the issue where some users saw the browser reopening on exit and/or showing a message about reopening tabs. Thank you to our insiders for reporting this issue!