Forum Discussion
Elliot Kirk
Nov 19, 2019Importing Tabs and Settings from Chrome
We know the longer you’ve used a browser, the more it feels like home. You’ve set up your browser behavior to your liking and tweaked its various settings to fit your needs. It has all your user data...
Mar 18, 2023Copper Contributor
I 'm having the same problem. I followed the steps as directed above, but I cannot find any of the tabs from the Chrome window in any of the Edge windows I currently have open, not did the open tabs appear as bookmarks. 😕 Where did they go? It'll will be seriously annoying if I have to reopen Chrome and copy the URLs one by one, by hand. >:[
Apr 06, 2023Copper Contributor
i was able to get the feature to work by closing Chrome first. With many tabs open, that can take a moment even after the windows have vanished – you can check via the Task Manager (<Win>+<r>taskmgr<Enter>) whether a program has finished terminating.
Duplicate tabs are lost, tho.
ragged-gothic even if you can’t get it to work, you definitely don’t have to go through each tab by hand. As a workaround for this apparent bug, you could right-click the Chrome tab bar and choose Bookmark all tabs… (No doubt you could find an extension for automating this for all Chrome windows.)
( The rest may not be worth mentioning:
- edge://settings/profiles/importBrowsingData
- (re-)import bookmarks
- ctrl+shift+O
- note that when re-importing bookmarks/favorites, newly added ones will not be sorted into their original position, but appended to the end of the list, so you may have to scroll down to find your bookmarked tabs.
- you may want to switch off your WiFi now to prevent straining your pc and filling up its memory by loading all those tabs at the same time
- open the whole folder
- turn on WiFi again
(With this method, Edge also purges duplicate tabs, so neither is it perfect in preserving the data unscathed.)