Forum Discussion
Announcing the Open/Save as/Save and Delete prompts for downloads!
- Oct 12, 2020
There is absolutely an extra click after this change.
Before: Click link > Change folder if needed > Save
Now: Click link > Click Save As > Change folder if needed > Save
Additionally that extra click happens at the bottom of the screen (whereas the file browse dialog appears in the middle of the screen), so that extra click is probably far from where your mouse cursor was.
Would appreciate an option between the two like the old prompt where to save we had before. Prompting what to do every time and not prompting at all seem like two extremes. When we had the option originally to just specify where to save using the standards windows save dialog, which seems like a middle ground.
Anyone's workflow that involves downloading a lot of stuff to different directories will be impacted by the removal of the just prompt to save. Either having to click the link, then move to the bottom of the window and find the download button, then click the save as or download everything to a set directory and sort them out later. Seems like a bad UX design.
I'm not against adding additional ways to solve the original issue, but the complete removal of the old way.
- DongHarryOct 15, 2020Copper Contributor
Reverend EvvL X same here !! The old way work best for me. Pls i-am-kent get reminded that to keep 2 option for both old and new.
- Filipe CastroSep 10, 2020Brass Contributor