Logic apps "message": "BadGateway",     "innerError": {       "status": 504,

Copper Contributor
I am having this issue with my Logic apps workflow. Follow my flow:

I think it is very clear what the flow is doing. On the last step, where it should create the file, I am getting the error below, not sure why this is happening, I could connect without problem to the SFTP, and my IP is whitelisted on their network

    "innerError": {
      "message""A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond\r\nclientRequestId: 51527505-asdasdasd3",
I am asl receving the same error on the folder path field, which I believe they might be related with each other:

It should show me the folders was created on this server.


Any idea what could be wrong?


2 Replies


Did you equip WAF? Besides, Azure Application Gateway returns 504 Error when the time of the request exceeds 20 seconds

"my IP is whitelisted on their network" - Yes, but the Logic App is running in Azure... you need to add the outbound logic app (app service) IPs...