How to use a TLS/SSL certificate in your Python code in Azure App Service
Published May 22 2022 02:10 PM 7,448 Views
If you want to know how to use it in C#/Java, there are some sample code in this document: Basically, to refer certificates uploaded in Azure App Service Linux using Python does not make much difference from in a local machine. It can be divided into three steps:
1. Upload or import the certificates in Azure Portal to make it accessible to the app service:


2. Load certificate by setting WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES to * or a specific thumbprint which belong to the certificate you want to use.
Then the certificate(s) will be injected into the python container in the path "/var/ssl/":
3. Refer to the certificate using Python Code.
Firstly, we can check if they exist by going to their directories in SSH:


Then leverage below sample code to use the certificate, replacing the thumbprint with yours:
Sample Code:
Sample1(using pyOpenSSL):
# load OpenSSL.crypto
from OpenSSL import crypto
# open it, using password. Supply/read your own from stdin.
p12 = crypto.load_pkcs12(open("/var/ssl/private/6E619CF099EC156414E939B53358C98841234567.p12", "rb").read(), b"")
# get various properties of said file.
# note these are PyOpenSSL objects, not strings although you
# can convert them to PEM-encoded strings.
p12.get_certificate()     # (signed) certificate object
p12.get_privatekey()      # private key.
p12.get_ca_certificates() # ca chain.
Sample2(using cryptography):
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import pkcs12
with open("/var/ssl/private/6E619CF099EC156414E939B53358C98841234567.p12", "rb") as f:
    private_key, certificate, additional_certificates = pkcs12.load_key_and_certificates(, b"")


Note that those certificates are stored in format "p12" and their password is empty.

All done. Thanks for reading! I hope you have fun in it!

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Last update:
‎May 21 2022 07:44 AM
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