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Create and Deploy Linux WebJobs on Azure App Service

yash_gupta's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Aug 14, 2024


WebJobs are a feature of Azure App Service that allows you to run background tasks or scripts in your App Service. They are particularly useful for executing jobs such as scheduled tasks, data processing, or background maintenance tasks. WebJobs can run continuously, on-demand, or on a scheduled basis, and they can be written in various programming languages.

The goal of this blog post is to guide you through the process of setting up and deploying a WebJob on an Azure App Service running Linux. We will walk you through the necessary steps to create and deploy a WebJob, configure its settings, and manage it effectively. By the end of this blog, you will have a working WebJob integrated into your Azure App Service, capable of performing background tasks or processing jobs as needed.



  • Azure Subscription: An active Azure subscription is required to create and manage Azure resources.
  • Linux App Service: An App Service is necessary for deploying your WebJob. For your WebJob to run, the App Service stack must match the WebJob. For example, a Python-based WebJob requires a Python App Service stack.
  • In the Environment variables tab of the App Service, add 'WEBSITES_ENABLE_APP_SERVICE_STORAGE' app setting and set its value to 'true'.

  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): An IDE or text editor of your choice for developing your WebJob.
  • File Compression Tool: For packaging WebJob files into a ZIP archive needed for deployment.


Types of WebJobs

When selecting the type of WebJob to use in Azure App Service, it is important to consider the nature of the task you need to perform. Continuous WebJobs are designed to run continuously in the background, making them suitable for tasks that need to be perpetually active. These WebJobs are ideal for ongoing operations such as background processing, monitoring, or maintaining a steady stream of work. They stay active as long as the App Service is operational and will automatically restart if they encounter issues or stop unexpectedly.

In contrast, Triggered WebJobs are executed based on specific triggers or schedules, which makes them well-suited for tasks that need to run at predefined times or in response to events. For example, you might use a Triggered WebJob for scheduled data updates, batch processing, or responding to specific actions like the arrival of new data. The choice between a Continuous or Triggered WebJob will depend on whether your task requires constant operation or is more event-driven, allowing you to tailor the WebJob type to your specific needs.


Creating a WebJob

In this section, we will create a Python WebJob that reads data from a CSV file and update. This example will help you understand the basic structure of a WebJob. Below is redacted version of my





import pandas as pd
import os, datetime, logging

# Configure logging
    format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'

def insert_record(file_path):
    print('--- Inserting Record ---')

        # Determine the next value
        value = get_next_value(file_path)
        # Create a new DataFrame with the new record
        new_record = pd.DataFrame({'Timestamp': [], 'Value': [value]})
        if os.path.exists(file_path):
            # Load the existing CSV file
            df = pd.read_csv(file_path)
  'Loaded existing CSV file successfully.')
            # Append the new record
            df = pd.concat([df, new_record], ignore_index=True)
            # If the file does not exist, create a new DataFrame
            df = new_record
  'CSV  file not found. Created new file with columns: Timestamp, Value.')
        # Save the updated DataFrame back to Excel
        df.to_csv(file_path, index=False)'Saved updated CSV file successfully with value: %d', value)
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error('Error processing record: %s', e)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print('--- WebJob Execution Started ---')
    file_path = '/home/site/wwwroot/data.csv'
    print('--- WebJob Execution Ended ---')






Deploying a WebJob

Deploying a WebJob on App Service Linux involves creating a shell script, packaging it, and then deploying it via the Azure Portal.

Create a shell script ( with the command to start the WebJob script. For Python WebJob, I used below script to install dependencies and execute the script:





/opt/python/3.10.14/bin/pip3 install pandas





Zip the and file together. Ensure that the files are present at the root of the zipped archive.

Webjob Deployment requires Basic Authentication. Enable SCM Basic Auth Publishing Credentials from the Configuration Blade of the App Service.

Now Navigate to the WebJob Balde of the App Service to Add and Configure the WebJob. Click the “Add” button to create a new WebJob. In the configuration panel:

  • Upload the WebJob File: Choose the file you prepared.
  • Set WebJob Type: Select the WebJob type—either “Continuous” for a constantly running job or “Triggered” for a job that runs on-demand or on a schedule.
  • Configure Schedule (if using a Triggered WebJob): Specify the cron expression for scheduling the job. For example, use 0 */5 * * * to run every 5 minutes.
  • Click “OK” or “Save” to upload the WebJob and apply the configuration.


Testing & Logging

For a Triggered WebJob, you can manually run it by selecting the WebJob and clicking “Run.”

On App Service Linux, WebJobs are deployed under /tmp/jobs/. To check the logs, you can either view it by clicking the Logs button. You can navigate to /home/data/jobs/triggered/<webjob_name>. Here you will find a directory corresponding to each execution of the WebJob. Within each directory, you will find the ‘status’ and ‘output_log.txt. files.

The status file indicates the schedule set for the WebJob along with the result of the WebJob execution. You can also find the start and end time of the execution.

The output_log.txt file contains general information and status updates during execution. It will also contain execution logs.

By reviewing these logs, you can confirm the WebJob's operational status, diagnose issues, and understand its execution behaviour.



WebJobs on Azure App Service Linux offers a powerful way to run background tasks and automate processes within your applications. By following the outlined steps you can seamlessly integrate WebJobs into your Linux-based App Service. With a robust understanding of WebJobs, you can leverage this feature to enhance your application's functionality and maintain high performance across your services.


Additional Links

Run background tasks with WebJobs - Azure App Service | Microsoft Learn

Github Repository: App Service Linux WebJob (

Updated Sep 25, 2024
Version 4.0
  • Discoder's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Is this also the approach one should take if one is utilizing an Azure Web App for Containers? 

  • acroamazeballs's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Great post, gave me some pointers.


    I was trying to interact with my main python app services app, in particular use the virtual environment for this. Thought I would share my hacky way to get this all running for feedback and hopefully it might help people.


    What I learned:


    Deploying a webjob via the api requires a very specific url and headers to work. Documented in the kudu docs:

    This worked for me:
    curl -X PUT -T "" -u '<username>:<password>' -H "Content-Type: application/zip" -H "Content-Disposition: attachment;" https://<appname<<webjobname>

    The settings.job file cannot have comments in it, this works:

    { "schedule": "0 */2 * * * *" }

    When deploying a web job, it copies the zip to and unpacks here: /home/site/wwwroot/App_Data/jobs/triggered/


    I was expecting it to be able to run my python script from here, however the python virtual environment isn't activated so it cannot find the python executable, and even if you specify it, it cannot access my main app dependencies.


    Python executable is located here: /opt/python/3/bin/python, however this is not in the path of the user executing the webjob.


    In any case I need to activate the virtual environment used by my app. Through the ssh shell, I identified that the virtual environment path is /tmp/<random chars>/antenv


    This path is available as a session variable VIRTUALENVIRONMENT_PATH through SSH, but not available to the user running the webjob. 


    So this is where I am at currently, and this seems to do what I need:


    VIRTUALENVIRONMENT_PATH=$(find /tmp -type d -name antenv -print -quit 2>/dev/null)
    echo "Python path: $(which python)"
    echo "Virtual environment path: $VIRTUALENVIRONMENT_PATH"
    echo "Setting up virtual environment"
    source $VIRTUALENVIRONMENT_PATH/bin/activate
    #main python file




    • RensPierloot's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thanks for the addition. 

      I also found an other way to get the path to your virtual env. In the startup script variables VIRTUALENVIRONMENT_PATH and APP_PATH are written to ~/.bashrc. 

      So simply by adding following code to your sh script, you can use these variables

      . ~/.bashrc
      echo "Virtual environment path: $VIRTUALENVIRONMENT_PATH"


  • fcamous's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    This sounded promising but no way to make a nodejs continuous webjob working ...


    [09/24/2024 19:00:57 > 6843e9: ERR ] An error occurred trying to start process 'node.exe' with working directory '/home/site/wwwroot/App_Data/jobs/continuous/test3'. No such file or directory
    [09/24/2024 19:00:57 > 6843e9: SYS ERR ] System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (An error occurred trying to start process 'node.exe' with working directory '/home/site/wwwroot/App_Data/jobs/continuous/test3'. No such file or directory)

    any hints ? tried numerous thing.


    with or without

    /opt/node-wrapper/node run.js




  • Rodrigo330's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Great post Yash, 

    I use triggered webjob that takes a lot of time of execution. The execution is aborted. I try WEBJOBS_IDLE_TIMEOUT but It seems in linux app service doesn't work. Do you know if there're a environment variable to avoid the timeout abort execution?


    Best Regards


  • ahumeniy's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    I tried to setup a Python web job. However, in my case Python does not appear to be installed at that location but in /usr/bin/python3, and when trying to run pip it was failing because I wasn't allowed to install packages for all users so I had to run pyenv.


    It was working fine, but the next day the jobs were failing because python was not found and now the jobs have disappeared from the portal.