Office update 2405 17628.20110 causes slowness in loading forms in MS Access

Copper Contributor

We experience issues with the May 30 release of Office 365, from version 2405 17628.20110


We experience issues with Microsoft Access. The issue that we experience is that loading and closing of forms takes longer and longer when you are using the application. Basiccally what we see is that the drawing of the form takes longer each time a form is opened.


We have written a recursive function to illustrate this:




When we execute the function, this are the results:














In above overview you can see that when we start the access application the loading of the form takes approx. 0,3s, and the closing of the form takes 0,05s

After 100 opens the timings are 0,5 and 0,3s

After 200 opens the timings are 1,4s and 1s

After almost 300 opens the timings are 2+s and 1,8s


When we execute this same recursive function in an older version of Microsoft access the timings are stable.

We have tested this with several forms. And we see this with all forms. The only difference is the loading speed – which depends on the number of objects that are drawn on the form. The more objects the slower and the higher the increase in becoming slower.


Anyone knows if this bug is already reported / fixed by Microsoft?

17 Replies

Yours is the first report of a potential problem I've seen.


If you can provide those stats from tests you ran on the last previous version and on the new version of Access, we can pass them along to Microsoft.

Upload the stats as text or csv files, please. And if you can provide an accdb which displays this problem for replication, that would be great as well.

Hi George,
Thanks for your reply. Where should I send this info to?
You can post it here if you'd like. I'll pass it along.
I've shared the repo accdb and your test results with Microsoft and with other Access experts. Can you also provide a short narrative of the production situation where repeatedly opening the same form is part of the regular workflow, to put the problem into context for them.
Hi George,
Yes; we have users who use large forms (in which the slowness is even coming much faster because of the large forms). In these forms they edit order data. They edit approx 30 - 60 orders per hour. And each time they edit an order, the order form is opened and closed.
They open and close the order to plan the order or to change payment data of an order.

MS released build 17628.20144 today.  I was hoping this release fixed the issue but so far after a couple hours of testing, it does not look like it has been fixed.

I haven't been able to find release notes to see what was changed in this release.

Going to have to revert back to the April release for now.

Don't take this the wrong way, but so far MS has not even acknowledged the issue is a bug in the release, let alone issued a fix. That's not unusual, unfortunately. Unless a problem is widespread and serious, it's not going to work it's way to the top of the to-do list.

We are having the same issues re Access since the update. It is not usable after three hours and crashes. Is it possible to roll back to April version if we are using Office 365? @JSTEEX @George Hepworth 



> Is it possible to roll back to April version if we are using Office 365?


Roll-back to previous versions of Office



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@George Hepworth I got also a couple of reports from blog readers and addressed it within the German and English IT blogs. Sie the English article.


Microsoft 365 version 2405 causes memory errors and freezes in Access 

Thank you. I think we're gaining traction in identifying what might be a few related problems. Microsoft is looking into it.

I'm experiencing this problem, as well. Did a lot of tests in search of a solution, the only things I could verify is that the slowness occurs even when opening / closing forms in Design mode, and that memory usage slowly increases as forms are opened/closed. After some tens of open/close, closing a complex form (opened in Design mode and NOT changed in any way) can take 6-8 seconds. Only solution is quitting and restarting Access.
This is exhausting on some PCs, where the workflow involves continuously opening and closing forms for data entry, and where after a few minutes of operation closing a form puts Access in "Not responding" mode for a few seconds...



Microsoft is working on the problem.

We have published a bug documentation article on AFo today, in which we will try to keep those affected up to date.


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We have many of our customers with this issue as well. I was able to replicate the issue in version 2405. And rolling back to version 2404 resolved the issue. Here is a screenshot of the time in seconds to load one of our forms. You can see that as the form is opened and closed, the longer it will take for the form to load in version 2405. While it takes around the same time to load in version 2404. SpeedCompare.PNG



Latest hint, as I never know how many of those affected are following our documenting article: We have just updated it with the first concrete fix information we have received from Microsoft.


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There's now a fix available for the instabilities. We have updated the documenting article on AFo with all details. If you were affected then please let us know if it cures the problem for you.


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