Forum Discussion
May 05, 2022Help needed with subform/ query
Hi, I am trying to create a sub form (employee sub form) that is from the employee table that would pull matching records from a table(cdi_master) based on a field in the main form (dept assigned to ...
George_Hepworth Hi, I removed the Multivalued fields that I was trying to do the match to pull from which was the "dept" field. The other fields which is the dept assigned to and standard field in the cdi_master wont be used to do any matches against and will just pull back the data in the fields. In the tests that I did before these fields pulled back the data fine, as long as I was not trying to use a multivalued field to do the matching. I appreciate your help.
May 10, 2022The fields that have yes/no is to indicate which dept the document applies to. This was originally the multi valued field that had the multiple depts. listed in the one field. What I have been asked to do is create a training matrix. Because there are over 350 documents, Not all the employees get all of the documents. These are grouped by depts. as to who needs trained on what documents. So what has been asked is that when you click on a employee records, it will display only the documents applicable to them to be trained on instead of each employee records having 350 records.