Access DevCon Vienna 2019


devcon_small.pngRegistration for the 3rd Access DevCon Vienna (April 27/28, 2019) is open now. The preliminary agenda will be completed in the next weeks but already has a variety of advanced topics and an intercontinental team of presenters.

The goal of the event is to become THE international meeting you can't possibly miss as a serious Access developer wherever you live. Last time we had attendees from 13 countries which we plan to excel clearly.




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Quiz: Can you assign all flags?Quiz: Can you assign all flags?

Meanwhile we've a new record of registrations from 14 countries. Chances are for some more until late April. So if you want to meet with international Access developers check if the agenda suits you.

(quiz resolution: at, au, be, ch, cz, de, dk, ie, lu, nl, no, ro, uk, us)