Access Releases 6 Issue Fixes in Version 2303 (Released March 28, 2023)
Published Apr 06 2023 12:37 PM 5,537 Views

Our newest round of Access bug fixes was released on March 28, 2023. In this blog post, we highlight some of the fixed issues that our Access engineers released in the current monthly channel.  


If you see a bug that impacts you, and if you are on the current monthly channel build 2303, you should have these fixes. Make sure you are on Access Build # 16.0.16227.20212 or greater. 


Bug Name 

Issue Fixed  

When inserting records into a linked SQL Server table with an INSERT trigger, the insert fails

We fixed an issue where users get an ERROR: 3155, ODBC--insert on a linked table [table name] message when inserting a new row into a linked SQL Server table that has an INSERT trigger. 

When using a query as the Source Object for a subform, query design elements appear in form view 

When the Source Object property of a subform was set to a query object, elements of the query design window would appear in form view, and would obscure, and potentially prevent interaction with the subform. 

Access runtime does not validate digital signature 

When Trust Center settings allow code only in digitally signed projects to run, the Access runtime was not enforcing this policy. The runtime version, or the full version running in runtime mode will now properly enforce the policy. 

Access terminates unexpectedly when trying to open a linked Dataverse table in the browser

When using the Open in Dataverse command for a linked Dataverse Table to open the table in the browser, Access would terminate unexpectedly. 

Export to Dataverse fails in non-English versions if table contains Yes/No fields 

In Office versions in languages other than English, the export operation would fail if the table contained a Yes/No field, or a value list lookup 

If the query designer is open when changing the Office theme, the query designer would not use the correct font 

If the Office theme were changed while the query designer was open, the font used to display elements in the query designer grid would revert to the app default font, rather than using the correct font set for the query designer in the Options dialog. 


Please continue to let us know if this is helpful and share any feedback you have.  

Version history
Last update:
‎Apr 06 2023 12:37 PM
Updated by: