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Microsoft SharePoint Blog

How to disable the modern experience in SharePoint 2019

mikeleemsft's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Dec 18, 2018


SharePoint 2019 delivers an updated modern look and feel for lists and libraries and enabled by default. However, if the classic experience is required for your farm, the modern experience can be disabled by Administrators.










How to modify the default experience for list and libraries as a user

From the user perspective, switching from modern and classic is a simple click. For example, users will see "Return to classic SharePoint" on all lists and libraries. Once in classic mode there will be an option to "Exit classic experience" to return to modern mode.


How to modify the default experience for list and libraries as an Admin

Admins can manage the default experience for list and libraries at the site collection, web or library level.


Site Collection Level:

#Site Collection Level
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -ea 0
$site = Get-SPSite http://spwfe

#Disable modern Lists and libraries at the Site Collection Level $featureguid = new-object System.Guid "E3540C7D-6BEA-403C-A224-1A12EAFEE4C4" $site.Features.Add($featureguid, $true)
#Re-enable the modern experience at the site collection Level. $featureguid = new-object System.Guid "E3540C7D-6BEA-403C-A224-1A12EAFEE4C4" $site.Features.Remove($featureguid, $true)

Web Level:

#Web Level
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -ea 0
$site = Get-SPWeb http://spwfe

#Disable modern Lists and libraries at the Web Level. $featureguid = new-object System.Guid "52E14B6F-B1BB-4969-B89B-C4FAA56745EF" $site.Features.Add($featureguid, $true)
#Re-enable the modern experience at the Web Level $featureguid = new-object System.Guid "52E14B6F-B1BB-4969-B89B-C4FAA56745EF" $site.Features.Remove($featureguid, $true)

 Library Level:

Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -ea 0
$web = Get-SPWeb http://spwfe
$list = $web.Lists["Documents"]

#Classic setting $list.ListExperienceOptions = "ClassicExperience" $list.Update()
#Modern setting $list.ListExperienceOptions = "NewExperience" $list.Update()
#User Default $list.ListExperienceOptions = "Auto" $list.Update()

More Information

I hope you found this tip useful, and if you are interested in the SPO equivalent, see the following articles.


Switch the default experience for lists or document libraries from new or classic

Change the default list and library experienc

Updated Dec 18, 2018
Version 2.0
  • hvandesa's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    For my 2019 site, only the script for the Library level worked for me.  But I was able to use that. 


    #Set Classic SharePoint
    $web = Get-SPWeb $URL
    $vlibraryFeatures = $web.Lists | Where-Object {($_.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary") -and ($_.Hidden -ne "True")} | Select-Object Title

    foreach($vLibraryObj in $vlibraryFeatures){

    $vLibraryObjName = $vLibraryObj.Title
    Write-Host "Updating $vLibraryObjName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $list = $web.Lists[$vLibraryObjName]

    #Classic setting
    $list.ListExperienceOptions = "ClassicExperience"


  • This is by design. The OneDrive library (my site) will always look modern because the ability to revert users OneDrive library to classic has been disabled in SharePoint 2019.

  • ChristianBranca's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I would like to disable the modern experience on SharePoint 2019.
    I’m following your procedure but i’m unable to apply it on Mysites web application.
    It works for the others web app but not for Mysites.
    Do you know if is it something “by design” and it cannot be changed?
    thank you in advance