Getting the Email ID from the Office 365 email adapter

Brass Contributor



I have a question, very likely a silly one as I have started dabbling with Flow. I am using this public flow template to copy my Outlook / Office 365 contacts to Google contacts, and it seems to work fine. However, I don't seem to be able to get a way to grab the email from the O365 contact? I have searched through the fields and don't seem to find an email field. I am almost certain I am doing something wrong here, as the ability to get the email is quite basic. However, I did not find a clear answer by binging with google and the other way round :). So my question is - 


  • Is this possible, and if yes, how?
  • Generally, what is the best way to figure things like this out? I could not find docs that talk about specific connectors, and since the Flow connectors are black-box-ish (in my limited understanding so far), wanted to find out how we can understand them better.





1 Reply

Solved! Head over to to get the solution, and play with to check out the REST API specs if needed! Thanks to the Flow team!