Emi-Lio's avatar
Brass Contributor
Oct 26, 2023

Secure Print as an optional property

Currently, Secure Print via QR is enabled, however this is not ideal for all users. Can a feature be added to make it optional per print job or at the very least, by user?


Thank you.

  • StephanV's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    It would be beneficial if the Print Anywhere queue can be enabled to print through QR Code instead of the individual member printers. You could have a situation where you have the printer AND the anywhere queue installed. And when printing directly to the printer you want it to print without authentication by QR Code

  • Also, this feature requires the majority of our users to install the M365 app on their personal phones. This would be a massive blocker. The Authenticator app is a single purpose lightweight app that few object to, but many would push back hard if we made them install the M365 app. Please allow authentication using the authenticator app instead.