Add the ability to queue up a print job and release it once you've walked to a printer via smartphone app or key fob if the printer supports it.
- zahid2370Copper Contributor
Dear all,
Because this also depends on the capabilities of the print device, I believe that at this time, a secure pull print can only be accomplished with a third-party integration or solution. If you require more information, I ran a number of different solutions using a Microsoft Uniprint connection.
Just as a tip, many third-party systems still require their own servers to function, and there are only a very limited number of secure cloud pull print solutions that don't require your own servers, infrastructure, or even small clients on your network.
- MarkDavid2095Copper Contributor
The ability to queue up a print job and release it via a smartphone app or key fob is a convenient feature that can save time and increase productivity. This feature is often referred to as "secure printing" or "pull printing." Here are the steps involved in implementing this feature:
Install and configure the necessary software: To enable secure printing, you'll need to install software on both the print server and the client devices. The software should support the ability to queue up print jobs and release them via a smartphone app or key fob. There are many software options available, such as PaperCut, Equitrac, and Pharos.
Set up the print queue: Create a print queue for secure printing and configure it to require authentication before releasing print jobs. You can set up the print queue on the print server and configure it to work with the secure printing software.
Configure the smartphone app or key fob: The smartphone app or key fob should be configured to communicate with the print server and authenticate the user before releasing print jobs. The app or key fob should also be able to display the list of queued print jobs and allow the user to select which ones to release.
Test the system: Once the software, print queue, and smartphone app or key fob are set up, test the system to ensure it's working correctly. Print a test document and try to release it via the app or key fob.
Train users: Once the system is up and running, train users on how to use the secure printing feature. They should be able to queue up print jobs as they normally would, but instead of the job printing immediately, it will be held until they authenticate themselves via the app or key fob.
Overall, adding the ability to queue up a print job and release it via a smartphone app or key fob can be a valuable feature for organizations looking to streamline their printing processes and improve security.
Fore more info: network marketing cos'è - Saurabh_Bansal
Fraser893 - There is no committed timeline, but we are targeting this quarter.
Having said that - for PIN release,
- Are you using Universal Print ready printers?
- Check with Universal Print printer OEM if they support PIN with Universal Print already or where is it on their roadmap.
PIN release will work only for Universal Print ready printers.
+ Jimmy_Wu
- Philipp_AbendrothCopper Contributor
Hi to all,
i think for the moment a secure pull print is only possible with a 3rd party integration/solution, because this also depends on the print devcie capabilities. If you need more details, i had some different solutions running, with MS uni print connection.
just for a hint, a lot of 3rd party systems need still their own servers for running, and there are really only a few secure cloud pull print solutions available that need no own servers/infrastructure or small clients in your network...