Νίκος Μάγκος's avatar
Νίκος Μάγκος
Copper Contributor
Jul 29, 2021

Please give us the option to add notes to user menu in Microsoft 365 Admin Center

Just a very simple, but very useful new feature:

It will be very useful if we could add notes in the Admin Center, in the Users menus (Active Users, Contacts, Guests, Deleted Users).  For example, it will be very-very-very helpful if we could add notes with a description of what an administrator should do when adds a new user, like adding it in specific groups, forwarding emails or giving read permissions to the mailbox, adding new user's email to email rules in Exchange Admin Center etc, based on user's department, the company policy etc. Just to have some space to add a note is OK. Now it is very hard to remember what we should do when we add a new user to every customer's tenant that we support and easy to forget or mistake (we are partners).

Kind regards,

Nick Magos  nmag@logifer.gr 


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