MartinRasmussen's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 04, 2023

Increase Office RSA encryption length

According to German BSI, the RSA 2000bit encryption will be outdated by the end of the year 2023. See page 17 in the linked document (BSI – Technical Guideline).

This means that the RSA encryption key used to exchange AES keys in Office, will be lacking behind and be somewhat vulnerable. The AES key is used to encrypt Office 365 data.


The idea suggests increasing the RSA length to at least 3000bit, making sure to be compliant with DLIES and DSA year 2023 implementation recommendations, according to German BSI.

See page 17 in the linked document (BSI – Technical Guideline).


The goal of this idea is to make sure, that the encryption used by Office 365 is following market trends, keeping your data safe.

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