We need a list of tenants the current user is in. His home tenant and all his tenants where he is invited as a guest.
We know of the existence of the List tenants endpoint in the Azure manageme...
Aug 09, 2022Microsoft
Hi, this was incorrectly tagged so I updated it to Microsoft Graph. Also, this community was intended to be a temporary location to submit product feature suggestions between Microsoft moving off of UserVoice and the release of Microsoft's official Feedback portal app. Now that the latter is released, we encourage you to resubmit this great suggestion on the official Microsoft Graph Feedback portal at https://feedbackportal.microsoft.com/feedback/forum/ebe2edae-97d1-ec11-a7b5-0022481f3c80?page=1&sort=most-votes.
Kind regards,
Microsoft 365 Developer Platform community steward