Feb 21, 2022Copper Contributor
Allow Taskpane icons/titles that are different than the addin icon/title
I am working on an office.js add-in that has more than one task pane. Each task pane has a different icon in the ribbon. but when I open more than one task pane I can see the same icon in the panel to the right (the Icon of the entire add-in as defined in the IconUrl tag in the manifest file).
i.e. two identical icons in the right panel:
I think that the right panel should allow different icons for different task panes and also different hover text to match the task pane content.
actually, the "My addin" header should be allowed to be task pane specific (or prefixed by a prefix that is relevant for the add-in)
In summary, it will make it easier for the user to distinguish between multiple task panes of the same add-in.
- danielgbrownCopper Contributor
I agree that this would be a great feature. I have an addin with multiple task panes accessible from a custom ribbon. Each button on the ribbon has its own icon and it would be nicer for the user if these were replicated to the right of the taskpane.