Dominic Böttger's avatar
Dominic Böttger
Copper Contributor
Feb 07, 2022
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Autoscaling virtual Desktop incompatible with ARM / BICEP Deployment

In the current version of Autoscaling we get deployment errors for all machines which are shut down during a new deployment.


The system tries to update the Powershell DSC module every time even with machines which are shut down.



resource virtualMachines_name_Microsoft_PowerShell_DSC 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions@2021-03-01' = {
  parent: virtualMachines_resource
  name: 'Microsoft.PowerShell.DSC'
  location: location
  properties: {
    autoUpgradeMinorVersion: true
    publisher: 'Microsoft.Powershell'
    type: 'DSC'
    typeHandlerVersion: '2.73'
    settings: {
      modulesUrl: modulesDSCUrl
      configurationFunction: 'Configuration.ps1\\AddSessionHost'
      properties: {
        hostPoolName: hostpoolName
        registrationInfoToken: registrationToken
        aadJoin: false
    protectedSettings: {}



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