Forum Discussion
Thomas Lee
Oct 15, 2018Brass Contributor
Win Server 2019 (17733) - installing SSH Server capability fails
I am attempting to install SSH on a Win2019 preview and am getting an error message and the SSH deamon fails to install. I type:
PS [C:\Users\Administrator]> Add-WindowsCapability -LogLevel WarningsInfo -LogPath .\log.txt -online -name openssh.server~~~~ -VerboseVERBOSE: Target Image Version 10.0.17733.1000 Add-WindowsCapability : Add-WindowsCapability failed. Error code = 0x800f0950 At line:1 char:1 + Add-WindowsCapability -LogLevel WarningsInfo -LogPath .\log.txt -onli ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Add-WindowsCapability], COMException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Dism.Commands.AddWindowsCapabilityCommand
This generates a log file - but I am not much wiser in terms of resolving this issue by looking at it. Apologies for the length, but there seems no option to just include a file. Here is the log file:
PS [C:\Users\Administrator]> cat .\log.txt
2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 DismApi.dll: - DismInitializeInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 DismApi.dll: <----- Starting DismApi.dll session -----> - DismInitializeInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 DismApi.dll: - DismInitializeInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 DismApi.dll: Host machine information: OS Version=10.0.17733, Running architecture=amd64, Number of processors=2 - DismInitializeInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 DismApi.dll: API Version 10.0.17733.1000 - DismInitializeInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 DismApi.dll: Parent process command line: "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" - DismInitializeInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Enter DismInitializeInternal - DismInitializeInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Input parameters: LogLevel: 2, LogFilePath: .\log.txt, ScratchDirectory: (null) - DismInitializeInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at .\log.txt2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Initialized GlobalConfig - DismInitializeInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Initialized SessionTable - DismInitializeInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Lookup in table by path failed for: DummyPath-2BA51B78-C7F7-4910-B99D-BB7345357CDC - CTransactionalImageTable::LookupImagePath 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Waiting for m_pInternalThread to start - CCommandThread::Start 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5848 Enter CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub - CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5848 Enter CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 CommandThread StartupEvent signaled - CCommandThread::WaitForStartup 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 m_pInternalThread started - CCommandThread::Start 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Created g_internalDismSession - DismInitializeInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Leave DismInitializeInternal - DismInitializeInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Enter DismOpenSessionInternal - DismOpenSessionInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Input parameters: ImagePath: DISM_{53BFAE52-B167-4E2F-A258-0A37B57FF845}, WindowsDirectory: (null), SystemDrive: (null) - DismOpenSessionInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Lookup in table by path failed for: DRIVE_C - CTransactionalImageTable::LookupImagePath 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Waiting for m_pInternalThread to start - CCommandThread::Start 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 Enter CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub - CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 CommandThread StartupEvent signaled - CCommandThread::WaitForStartup 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 m_pInternalThread started - CCommandThread::Start 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Successfully enqueued command object - CCommandThread::EnqueueCommandObject 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 Enter CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 ExecuteLoop: CommandQueue signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 Successfully dequeued command object - CCommandThread::DequeueCommandObject 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM PID=4628 TID=932 Scratch directory set to 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\'. - CDISMManager::put_ScratchDir 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM PID=4628 TID=932 DismCore.dll version: 10.0.17733.1000 - CDISMManager::FinalConstruct 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at .\log.txt 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM PID=4628 TID=932 Successfully loaded the ImageSession at "C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Dism" - CDISMManager::LoadLocalImageSession 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at .\log.txt 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Found and Initialized the DISM Logger. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_InitializeLogger 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Failed to get and initialize the PE Provider. Continuing by assuming that it is not a WinPE image. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Finished initializing the Provider Map. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at .\log.txt 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=4628 TID=932 Successfully created the local image session and provider store. - CDISMManager::CreateLocalImageSession 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Getting the collection of providers from a local provider store type. - CDISMProviderStore::GetProviderCollection 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Dism\FolderProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Warning DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Failed to load the provider: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Dism\SiloedPackageProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider(hr:0x8007007e) 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Dism\FfuProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Dism\WimProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Dism\VHDProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Dism\ImagingProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Dism\CompatProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Warning DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Failed to load the provider: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Dism\MetaDeployProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider(hr:0x8007007e) 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM FFU Provider: PID=4628 TID=932 [C:\] is not recognized by the DISM FFU provider. - CFfuImage::Initialize [4628] [0x8007007b] FIOReadFileIntoBuffer:(1381): The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. [4628] [0xc142011c] UnmarshallImageHandleFromDirectory:(641) [4628] [0xc142011c] WIMGetMountedImageHandle:(2897) 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=4628 TID=932 [C:\] is not a WIM mount point. - CWimMountedImageInfo::Initialize 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM VHD Provider: PID=4628 TID=932 [C:\] is not recognized by the DISM VHD provider. - CVhdImage::Initialize 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM FFU Provider: PID=4628 TID=932 [C:\] is not recognized by the DISM FFU provider. - CFfuImage::Initialize 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Imaging Provider: PID=4628 TID=932 The provider FfuManager does not support CreateDismImage on C:\ - CGenericImagingManager::CreateDismImage 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM VHD Provider: PID=4628 TID=932 [C:\] is not recognized by the DISM VHD provider. - CVhdImage::Initialize 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Imaging Provider: PID=4628 TID=932 The provider VHDManager does not support CreateDismImage on C:\ - CGenericImagingManager::CreateDismImage [4628] [0x8007007b] FIOReadFileIntoBuffer:(1381): The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. [4628] [0xc142011c] UnmarshallImageHandleFromDirectory:(641) [4628] [0xc142011c] WIMGetMountedImageHandle:(2897) 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=4628 TID=932 [C:\] is not a WIM mount point. - CWimMountedImageInfo::Initialize 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Imaging Provider: PID=4628 TID=932 The provider WimManager does not support CreateDismImage on C:\ - CGenericImagingManager::CreateDismImage 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Imaging Provider: PID=4628 TID=932 No imaging provider supported CreateDismImage for this path - CGenericImagingManager::CreateDismImage 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=4628 TID=932 physical location path: C:\ - CDISMManager::CreateImageSession 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=4628 TID=932 Event name for current DISM session is Global\{47081786-EFC6-4526-A7CE-56628A1E1EE3} - CDISMManager::CheckSessionAndLock 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=4628 TID=932 Create session event 0xa54 for current DISM session and event name is Global\{47081786-EFC6-4526-A7CE-56628A1E1EE3} - CDISMManager::CheckSessionAndLock 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=4628 TID=932 Copying DISM from "C:\Windows\System32\Dism" - CDISMManager::CreateImageSessionFromLocation 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=4628 TID=932 Successfully loaded the ImageSession at "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\471B086B-AD90-4A6E-A8A5-5BC1ABE7A4CC" - CDISMManager::LoadRemoteImageSession 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Image Session: PID=4868 TID=3568 Instantiating the Provider Store. - CDISMImageSession::get_ProviderStore 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Initializing a provider store for the IMAGE session type. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\471B086B-AD90-4A6E-A8A5-5BC1ABE7A4CC\OSProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM OS Provider: PID=4868 TID=3568 Defaulting SystemPath to C:\ - CDISMOSServiceManager::Final_OnConnect 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM OS Provider: PID=4868 TID=3568 Defaulting Windows folder to C:\Windows - CDISMOSServiceManager::Final_OnConnect 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Attempting to initialize the logger from the Image Session. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\471B086B-AD90-4A6E-A8A5-5BC1ABE7A4CC\LogProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at .\log.txt 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Found and Initialized the DISM Logger. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_InitializeLogger 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Warning DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Failed to load the provider: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\471B086B-AD90-4A6E-A8A5-5BC1ABE7A4CC\PEProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_GetProvider(hr:0x8007007e) 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Failed to get and initialize the PE Provider. Continuing by assuming that it is not a WinPE image. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Finished initializing the Provider Map. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnConnect 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at .\log.txt 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM Initialized Panther logging at .\log.txt 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=4628 TID=932 Image session successfully loaded from the temporary location: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\471B086B-AD90-4A6E-A8A5-5BC1ABE7A4CC - CDISMManager::CreateImageSession 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 Target image information: OS Version=10.0.17733.1000, Image architecture=amd64 - CDismCore::LogImageSessionDetails 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Leave DismOpenSessionInternal - DismOpenSessionInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Session id is: 2 - DismOpenSessionInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Enter DismGetOsInfoInternal - DismGetOsInfoInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Input parameters: Session: 2 - DismGetOsInfoInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Initialized default cancel event - DismGetOsInfoInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Successfully enqueued command object - CCommandThread::EnqueueCommandObject 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 ExecuteLoop: CommandQueue signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 Successfully dequeued command object - CCommandThread::DequeueCommandObject 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Leave DismGetOsInfoInternal - DismGetOsInfoInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Enter DismDeleteInternal - DismDeleteInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Leave DismDeleteInternal - DismDeleteInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Enter DismAddCapabilityInternal - DismAddCapabilityInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Input parameters: Session: 2, Feature: openssh.server~~~~, Recipe: (NULL), LimitAccess: 0, CancelEvent: 0x0000000000000A1C, Progress: 0x000001FDD8DE74FC, UserData: 0x0000000000000000 - DismAddCapabilityInternal 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Successfully enqueued command object - CCommandThread::EnqueueCommandObject 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 ExecuteLoop: CommandQueue signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 Successfully dequeued command object - CCommandThread::DequeueCommandObject 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Connecting to the provider located at C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\471B086B-AD90-4A6E-A8A5-5BC1ABE7A4CC\CbsProvider.dll. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Encountered a servicing provider, performing additional servicing initializations. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_LoadProvider 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info CSI 00000001 Shim considered [l:126]'\??\C:\Windows\Servicing\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17733.1000_none_cecc55bd3f32654b\wcp.dll' : got STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info CSI 00000002 Shim considered [l:123]'\??\C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17733.1000_none_cecc55bd3f32654b\wcp.dll' : got STATUS_SUCCESS 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=4868 TID=3568 Finished initializing the CbsConUI Handler. - CCbsConUIHandler::Initialize 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info CSI 00000001 Shim considered [l:126]'\??\C:\Windows\Servicing\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17733.1000_none_cecc55bd3f32654b\wcp.dll' : got STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info CSI 00000002 Shim considered [l:123]'\??\C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft-windows-servicingstack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17733.1000_none_cecc55bd3f32654b\wcp.dll' : got STATUS_SUCCESS 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=4868 TID=3568 CBS is being initialized for online use. More information about CBS actions can be located at: %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log - CDISMPackageManager::Initialize 2018-10-14 10:16:56, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=4868 TID=3568 Loaded servicing stack for online use only. - CDISMPackageManager::CreateCbsSession 2018-10-14 10:16:57, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=4868 TID=3568 CBS session options=0x40100! - CDISMPackageManager::Internal_Finalize 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=4868 TID=1912 Error in operation: (null) (CBS HRESULT=0x800f0950) - CCbsConUIHandler::Error 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=4868 TID=3568 Failed finalizing changes. - CDISMPackageManager::Internal_Finalize(hr:0x800f0950) 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Error DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=4868 TID=3568 Failed processing package changes with session options - CDISMPackageManager::ProcessChangesWithOptions(hr:0x800f0950) 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Error DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 Failed to install capability. - CAddCapabilityCommandObject::InternalExecute(hr:0x800f0950) 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Error DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 InternalExecute failed - CBaseCommandObject::Execute(hr:0x800f0950) 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Error DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 CAddCapabilityCommandObject internal execution failed - DismAddCapabilityInternal(hr:0x800f0950) 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Exit DismAddCapabilityInternal - DismAddCapabilityInternal 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Enter DismGetLastErrorMessageInternal - DismGetLastErrorMessageInternal 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Exit DismGetLastErrorMessageInternal - DismGetLastErrorMessageInternal 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Enter DismCloseSessionInternal - DismCloseSessionInternal 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Input parameters: Session: 2 - DismCloseSessionInternal 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 GetReferenceCount hr: 0x0 - CSessionTable::RemoveSession 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Refcount for DismSession= 2s 0 - CSessionTable::RemoveSession 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Successfully enqueued command object - CCommandThread::EnqueueCommandObject 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 ExecuteLoop: CommandQueue signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 Successfully dequeued command object - CCommandThread::DequeueCommandObject 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 ExecuteLoop: Cancel signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 Leave CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Found the OSServices. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Found the OSServices. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Found the PE Provider. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Finalizing the servicing provider(DISM Package Manager) - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Package Manager: PID=4868 TID=3568 Finalizing CBS core. - CDISMPackageManager::Finalize 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Disconnecting Provider: DISM Package Manager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Releasing the local reference to OSServices. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Disconnecting Provider: OSServices - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4868 TID=3568 Releasing the local reference to DISMLogger. Stop logging. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Manager: PID=4628 TID=932 Closing session event handle 0xa54 - CDISMManager::CleanupImageSessionEntry 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Found the OSServices. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Disconnecting Provider: FolderManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Disconnecting Provider: FfuManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Disconnecting Provider: WimManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Disconnecting Provider: VHDManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Disconnecting Provider: GenericImagingManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Disconnecting Provider: Compatibility Manager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=4628 TID=932 Releasing the local reference to DISMLogger. Stop logging. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=932 Leave CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub - CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Leave DismCloseSessionInternal - DismCloseSessionInternal 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Enter DismShutdownInternal - DismShutdownInternal 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 GetReferenceCount hr: 0x0 - CSessionTable::RemoveSession 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Refcount for DismSession= 1s 0 - CSessionTable::RemoveSession 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Successfully enqueued command object - CCommandThread::EnqueueCommandObject 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5848 ExecuteLoop: CommandQueue signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5848 Successfully dequeued command object - CCommandThread::DequeueCommandObject 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5848 ExecuteLoop: Cancel signaled - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5848 Leave CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop - CCommandThread::ExecuteLoop 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5848 Leave CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub - CCommandThread::CommandThreadProcedureStub 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Deleted g_internalDismSession - DismShutdownInternal 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Shutdown SessionTable - DismShutdownInternal 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 Leave DismShutdownInternal - DismShutdownInternal 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 DismApi.dll: - DismShutdownInternal 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 DismApi.dll: <----- Ending DismApi.dll session -----> - DismShutdownInternal 2018-10-14 10:17:03, Info DISM API: PID=4628 TID=5608 DismApi.dll: - DismShutdownInternal
- Kai WalterCopper Contributor
I have the same problem with 17763.107 - in DISM and Add-WindowsCapability.
Opened a support case because this worked just fine with 1803 VM images. Let's see where it get's me. We strongly rely on SSH / PowerShell remoting for our VMSS remote management.
- Thomas LeeBrass Contributor
Thanks for the follow up. I've had no response from anyone.
For me, SSH is unusable.