Forum Discussion
Andrea Pistaceci
Apr 11, 2018Copper Contributor
WDS not working in build 17639
I installed the WDS Role thru server manager than I tried to configure WDS in standalone mode both thru the MMC WDS and the following command line: wdsutil /initialize-server /reminst:"c:\reminst...
mesmer mesmer
Jun 03, 2018Copper Contributor
The same thing happens to me in build 17666, wanting to configure WDS gets stuck.
Sudhagar Thirumoolan
Jun 19, 2018Thanks for reporting this. We are investigating the issue and will try to get a fix in future builds. For now you can work around the problem by using wdsutil to manage the server.
- Anders PistaceciJul 23, 2018Copper Contributor
Works perfectly now in Build 17713 ! :-)
- mesmer mesmerJul 23, 2018Copper Contributor
Effectively. I've tried it and it works perfectly Thaks!
- mesmer mesmerJun 20, 2018Copper Contributor
Thanks, but wdsutils does not work w fine for this build
An error occurred while trying to execute the command.
Error Code: 0x41D
Error Description: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.