Forum Discussion
Andrea Pistaceci
Apr 11, 2018Copper Contributor
WDS not working in build 17639
I installed the WDS Role thru server manager than I tried to configure WDS in standalone mode both thru the MMC WDS and the following command line: wdsutil /initialize-server /reminst:"c:\reminst...
Anders Pistaceci
May 17, 2018Copper Contributor
still NOT WORKING in build 17666 !!!
can someone fix this PLEEEESE ???
- Anders PistaceciMay 30, 2018Copper Contributor
still not working in build 17677
- mesmer mesmerJun 03, 2018Copper Contributor
The same thing happens to me in build 17666, wanting to configure WDS gets stuck.
- Sudhagar ThirumoolanJun 19, 2018
Thanks for reporting this. We are investigating the issue and will try to get a fix in future builds. For now you can work around the problem by using wdsutil to manage the server.
- Anders PistaceciMay 30, 2018Copper Contributor
WDSUTIL /initialize-server /standalone /reminst:c:\reminst runs, but still gets stuck...
after reboot WDS service starts, but the MMC for WDS gets still stuck when launched.