Forum Discussion
Support for M365 Apps (O365) on Windows 2022
- Sep 06, 2022
First off I would like to thank everyone for the feedback and apologize for the delay in responding to this thread. Your feedback has made a difference, and sparked many internal discussions... we have customers running M365 on WS2016 and WS2019 today, and we want to enable staying current and secure being able to upgrade to WS2022.
<UPDATED EDIT> In response to your feedback we have announced support for M365 on Windows Server 2022, please see this link for additional information:
Windows Server end of support and Microsoft 365 Apps - Deploy Office | Microsoft Learn
Again, thank you for your feedback and passion!!
Elden Christensen
Principal Group PM Manager
Windows Server Development Team
Many customers‘ workflows and solution setups deeply depend on hosting M365 Apps on their on premise server solutions. From my point of view there is simply no realistic possibility for moving the customers Remote Desktop services to AVD and not even W365. I do not understand Microsofts strategy behind this lifecycle concept. So the idea is if M365 Apps cannot be hosted on a supported client VM, customers need to migrate to Azure based hosting services?
What about AVD-on-HCI? The workload would still exist on-prem and you can leverage Windows 10 Multisession Hosts, keeping the VM count low.
Yes, there are a ton of questions still about licensing costs - the solution is not GA yet.