Forum Discussion

Stefan Scherer's avatar
Stefan Scherer
Brass Contributor
Jun 28, 2018

Matching container version with host version with new windows-insider image?

I pulled the image (which is 10.0.17704) today in an Azure Server 2019 which is build 10.0.17666.

With Docker EE 17.06.2-ee-14 I was happy that it worked even the versions doesn't match completely.

I also tried to pull an ISO file, but also found only build 10.0.17692.


So is this hard constraint a thing of the past? Can we run images with newer image version on Docker hosts with an older version in hyperv isolation mode?


As there was another announcement today I also updated Docker EE 18.03.1-ee-1 to give it a try, but this version has a hard coded check and even stops pulling images that doesn't exactly match.


PS C:\> docker pull
latest: Pulling from windows-insider
a Windows version 10.0.17704-based image is incompatible with a 10.0.17666 host


So is this hard check something that should be removed again after this insider period?

Otherwise I wait until ISO 17704 is available or another future matching ISO with docker image version.


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