Forum Discussion

Mark-Allen Perry's avatar
Mark-Allen Perry
Copper Contributor
Mar 24, 2018

How do I provide feedback?

Hello, my apologies,. but I am new to this community, so perhaps am not following the rules.  I would like to provide feedback to the server team on Windows Server 2019 preview.  How do I do this?


There is this sentence in the notes, but I have not been able to find anything on *where* it is, or *what* it is?  "Use your registered Windows 10 Insider device and use the Feedback Hub application."


My infrastructure is all Windows servers; 2008 R2, 2012 R2, and 2016.  I checked my 2019 server but could not find the "hub".


Many thanks,



  • Many thanks, Alan for the quick reply. I checked my only Win10 and yes, it is there. Only the laptop is not comfortable to use for feedback. Too far away. Ok, so I will install Win10 in a VM and do feedback on my normal master system. Thanks again, and have a nice evening.
  • Alan CR's avatar
    Alan CR
    Copper Contributor
    Just had the same problem. It's a Win10 app and a search revealed I already had it on my current Win10 Pro 1709 laptop start menu (might also be in the store).
