Forum Discussion
Tim Braes
Aug 18, 2021Copper Contributor
Storage Pools on windows failover cluster : pool assignment cluster / nodes?
Windows 2019 : two node failover cluster ; no shared disks (SQL AOAG purpose).
We have already enabled this on the cluster :
Get-StorageSubSystem | Where AutomaticClusteringEnabled -eq $true | Set-StorageSubSystem -AutomaticClusteringEnabled $false
Storage pools created before clustering feature was enabled : they are assigned to the node.
Storage pools created after clustering software is installed : they are assigned to the cluster (using GUI)
Q: Can you transfer Storage pool ownership from cluster <-> nodes ?
Q: How can you influence this using GUI / PowerShell?
Assignment using GUI (see Available to) :
Clusterpool (see available to)
Assignment using PowerShell
$storagePool = New-StoragePool -FriendlyName $storagePoolName -StorageSubSystemUniqueId $storageSubSystem.uniqueID -PhysicalDisks (Get-PhysicalDisk -StorageSubSystem $storageSubSystem -CanPool $true)
Nodepool (see available to)
I don't understand why it assigns storage pool to the nodes this time and not cluster? I don't see it in the command (value for $storageSubSystem was : Clustered Windows Storage on LAB-SQL150AO)
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