Forum Discussion

Bernd-S-T's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 19, 2024

Defender for Serever on RDP Session Host

Hi all,


I have a simple question that rises during considerations about a security concept. Is it enough to secure a RDP Session Host with Microsoft Defender for Server Plan 2? Or do I have to secure the single RDP sessions as well?

The question behind that is: Is the Defender for Server able to secure the interactions and all the app-data (e.g. Mails) for all users?




  • rtravni42's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Hi All, 

    Same question here! Technically is "Microsoft Defender for Windows Server" perfect in our RDP environment. We need to see user information about actions inside a RDSH session. Is "Microsoft Defender for Windows Server" sufficient or do we need additional licenses for EDR/XDR. PLS Sander help! 
