Forum Discussion
Windows 11 for 7th generation Intel
Hi, I have learned that Microsoft has excluded all Intel processors prior to 8th generation from their current Windows 11 upgrade. While it is a great way to make millions of PC's obsolete, it is a pain for 1. the customer (who, like myself, has invested more than $1k for a machine which will be obsolete after 5 years and therefore is a bad investment), and 2. for the environment (if you want to avoid climate change you shouldn't dump millions of machines, probably having them burnt in the open air in some 3rd world country). Of course, Intel and PC builders like to sell new gear, however they are basically admitting that their designs weren't future-proof and sustainable from the outset. I feel that Microsoft and Intel should have a closer look at customer satisfaction before they take such a short-sighted decision which renders good hardware useless without much value added.
- North_CloudCopper Contributor
Nick08650 I have installed Window 11 on computers with Intel core i3-7100T, i3-7100U, and i7-6500U. It runs smoothly so far on all devices. No problems detected yet after months.
- NewsAngelBrass Contributor
North_Cloud These posts you are responding to are ANCIENT by IT standards. This is just ignorance and if you get hacked or have issues after this October, you have no one to blame but yourself.
In the past, when I wrote my first post in this forum, I had non-qualified machines running Win 11 Pro. And I have installed Win 11 Pro on systems as old Intel gen 2. And yes there are ISSUES, you just have to a good tech to spot them.
A few months ago, I sold off all these non-qualified computers as cheap rebuilds for lower income people. However, I kept a select few that do menial monitoring of crypto charts. More important, I keep them to see if they will choke on the OS update coming this October.
Here are a half dozen reasons NOT to install Win 11 on a PC older than gen 8. And in my EXPERT opinion, as a tech of 35 years... and if your PC is used for something MORE than web surfing, you should visit Amazon to buy an entry level ASRock12th gen board, i5-12400f, 16g DDR4 RAM for maybe an outlay of $ 250... and call it a day.
- Last month MS began writing code to block to our clever OS workarounds
- Win 11 24H2, due this October may reject non-compliant hardware for updates
- Win 10 expires Oct 2025, then MS will really put down the hammer.
- Any board older than Intel gen 10 (or AMD form that time) hobbles gaming
- On legacy boards, bios updates to stop hackers could be ignored by your OEM
- If your OS is not current, MS updates that block hackers might be passed over
- The newer your tech, the faster the NVMe, faster PCIe bus and other goodies
There is no excuse for anyone who has the money to NOT upgrade their hardware or start over. Every office should be built on Intel Gen 12 or higher. Every home user who uses their PC for at least email, MS Office and surfing should be on Intel Gen 10 and higher.
- NorthCloudCopper Contributor
NewsAngel Kindly thank for sharing your helpful viewpoints. Once 6th-7th gen intel CPUs can't run Windows 11 peacefully, we will switch to the Chrome OS.
- Thomas_Clark_tlclark23Copper Contributor
I have and ABS computer that I have been informed is not upgradeable to windows 11. I would upgrade the mother board if that is possible. I do not want to buy another computer. Nick08650
- NewsAngelBrass Contributor
talk about synchronicity... just found this article same day you wrote me..
Tom's Hardware, my trusted go-to tech site for over 25 years, lists several ways to do this
and this is HOW I did it...
Started with a 7th gen PC (legacy bios) I was going to wipe out...
(wipe out would be done AFTER Win 11 was loaded and I confirmed activation)
(no, did not fear directly visiting the link, as was going to do clean re-install later)
(I'm paranoid, but doubt this kind of link has threats, but if you have AV active scan, do that)
Followed Tom's Hardware link to Github (see below or use script I pasted)
said link opens up a text file with script in English
you click the copy icon on the top right
then open notepad and paste the script into a blank file
then save the txt file to desktop
then change the .txt extension to .cmd
Right-click the file and RUN as ADMIN
You will see on top of the script shell whether the file is ACTIVE or REMOVED
and then it does nothing
each time you run the script it either toggles on or off
next, I downloaded the Win 11 23H2 ISO (its new) from Microsoft's site
make sure you select the original language from the Win 10 install
ran rufus to make a new USB install key
inserted the key into the USB slot and ran setup
it works!
link to script
and below is the actual script if you fear visiting the link
--- begin script ---
@(set '(=)||' <# lean and mean cmd / powershell hybrid #> @'
::# Get 11 on 'unsupported' PC via Windows Update or mounted ISO (no patching needed)
::# if WU is stuck use windows_update_refresh.bat; Beta/Dev/Canary needs OfflineInsiderEnroll
::# V12: refined method, no Server label; future proofing; tested with 25905 iso, wu and the new wu repair version@echo off & title get 11 on 'unsupported' PC || AveYo 2023.07.14
if /i "%~f0" neq "%SystemDrive%\Scripts\get11.cmd" goto setup
powershell -win 1 -nop -c ";"
set CLI=%*& set SOURCES=%SystemDrive%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources& set MEDIA=.& set MOD=CLI& set PRE=WUA& set /a VER=11
if not defined CLI (exit /b) else if not exist %SOURCES%\SetupHost.exe (exit /b)
if not exist %SOURCES%\WindowsUpdateBox.exe mklink /h %SOURCES%\WindowsUpdateBox.exe %SOURCES%\SetupHost.exe
reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate /f /v DisableWUfBSafeguards /d 1 /t reg_dword
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup /f /v AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMorCPU /d 1 /t reg_dword
set OPT=/Compat IgnoreWarning /MigrateDrivers All /Telemetry Disable
set /a restart_application=0x800705BB & (call set CLI=%%CLI:%1 =%%)
set /a incorrect_parameter=0x80070057 & (set SRV=%CLI:/Product Client =%)
set /a launch_option_error=0xc190010a & (set SRV=%SRV:/Product Server =%)
for %%W in (%CLI%) do if /i %%W == /PreDownload (set MOD=SRV)
for %%W in (%CLI%) do if /i %%W == /InstallFile (set PRE=ISO& set "MEDIA=") else if not defined MEDIA set "MEDIA=%%~dpW"
if %VER% == 11 for %%W in ("%MEDIA%appraiserres.dll") do if exist %%W if %%~zW == 0 set AlreadyPatched=1 & set /a VER=10
if %VER% == 11 findstr /r "P.r.o.d.u.c.t.V.e.r.s.i.o.n...1.0.\..0.\..2.[2-9]" %SOURCES%\SetupHost.exe >nul 2>nul || set /a VER=10
if %VER% == 11 if not exist "%MEDIA%EI.cfg" (echo;[Channel]>%SOURCES%\EI.cfg & echo;_Default>>%SOURCES%\EI.cfg)
if %VER%_%PRE% == 11_ISO (%SOURCES%\WindowsUpdateBox.exe /Product Server /PreDownload /Quiet %OPT%)
if %VER%_%PRE% == 11_ISO (del /f /q %SOURCES%\appraiserres.dll 2>nul & cd.>%SOURCES%\appraiserres.dll)
if %VER%_%MOD% == 11_SRV (set ARG=%OPT% %SRV% /Product Server)
if %VER%_%MOD% == 11_CLI (set ARG=%OPT% %CLI%)
%SOURCES%\WindowsUpdateBox.exe %ARG%
if %errorlevel% == %restart_application% %SOURCES%\WindowsUpdateBox.exe %ARG%
exit /b:setup
::# elevate with native shell by AveYo
>nul reg add hkcu\software\classes\.Admin\shell\runas\command /f /ve /d "cmd /x /d /r set \"f0=%%2\"& call \"%%2\" %%3"& set _= %*
>nul fltmc|| if "%f0%" neq "%~f0" (cd.>"%temp%\runas.Admin" & start "%~n0" /high "%temp%\runas.Admin" "%~f0" "%_:"=""%" & exit /b)::# lean xp+ color macros by AveYo: %<%:af " hello "%>>% & %<%:cf " w\"or\"ld "%>% for single \ / " use .%|%\ .%|%/ \"%|%\"
for /f "delims=:" %%s in ('echo;prompt $h$s$h:^|cmd /d') do set "|=%%s"&set ">>=\..\c nul&set /p s=%%s%%s%%s%%s%%s%%s%%s<nul&popd"
set "<=pushd "%appdata%"&2>nul findstr /c:\ /a" &set ">=%>>%&echo;" &set "|=%|:~0,1%" &set /p s=\<nul>"%appdata%\c"::# toggle when launched without arguments, else jump to arguments: "install" or "remove"
set CLI=%*& (set IFEO=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options)
wmic /namespace:"\\root\subscription" path __EventFilter where Name="Skip TPM Check on Dynamic Update" delete >nul 2>nul & rem v1
reg delete "%IFEO%\vdsldr.exe" /f 2>nul & rem v2 - v5
if /i "%CLI%"=="" reg query "%IFEO%\SetupHost.exe\0" /v Debugger >nul 2>nul && goto remove || goto install
if /i "%~1"=="install" (goto install) else if /i "%~1"=="remove" goto remove:install
mkdir %SystemDrive%\Scripts >nul 2>nul & copy /y "%~f0" "%SystemDrive%\Scripts\get11.cmd" >nul 2>nul
reg add "%IFEO%\SetupHost.exe" /f /v UseFilter /d 1 /t reg_dword >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\SetupHost.exe\0" /f /v FilterFullPath /d "%SystemDrive%\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\SetupHost.exe" >nul
reg add "%IFEO%\SetupHost.exe\0" /f /v Debugger /d "%SystemDrive%\Scripts\get11.cmd" >nul
%<%:f0 " Skip TPM Check on Dynamic Update V12 "%>>% & %<%:2f " INSTALLED "%>>% & %<%:f0 " run again to remove "%>%
if /i "%CLI%"=="" timeout /t 7
exit /b:remove
del /f /q "%SystemDrive%\Scripts\get11.cmd" "%Public%\get11.cmd" "%ProgramData%\get11.cmd" >nul 2>nul
reg delete "%IFEO%\SetupHost.exe" /f >nul 2>nul
%<%:f0 " Skip TPM Check on Dynamic Update V12 "%>>% & %<%:df " REMOVED "%>>% & %<%:f0 " run again to install "%>%
if /i "%CLI%"=="" timeout /t 7
exit /b'@); $0 = "$env:temp\Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.cmd"; ${(=)||} -split "\r?\n" | out-file $0 -encoding default -force; & $0
# press enter
- Jim_T1405Steel ContributorI think you should move to Apple or Linux. Apple will stop working after 3 years and Linux is great for all the things you don't need or want. Or, you could buy a new PC once every 6 years or so. Best of luck.
- JustSumguyCopper Contributor
Stick with Windows 10 for a few more years safely and fully supported.
If you still want to stick with the hardware you have at that time, look into Ubuntu.
- NewsAngelBrass ContributorJustSumguy's advice is the most UNINFORMED and RISKY advice I ever seen in this forum.
- Win 10 EXPIRES in Oct 2025
- Win 11 is way more secure
- Win 11 is faster than Win 10
- Win 11 is already on its 2nd generation and the 3rd is on its way
- Win 12 is expected by 2024
- Any Intel computer NOT Intel gen 12 or higher has the Downfall vulnerability, where you can loose your most important data if you get hacked
The best advice is to upgrade to- JustSumguyCopper Contributor
Interesting perspective. I would agree except your answer does not address the OP issue at all.
The OP has hardware that will NOT run windows 11 without hacking.
Thus my advise points (that you may have inadvertently agreed with) - stand.
#1) Run windows 10 until EOL - safely as it is supported up to that point. (your dates are correct)
#1a) Intel microcode updates are included with windows 10 patches that will but supplied up to EOL.
#2) At that point you may have upgraded the hardware and are able to run 11 (we seem to agree)
#2a) ->IF<- the OP is still on the old hardware with no desire to upgrade - look into Ubuntu.
As an IT professional that supports hundreds of systems on all three mentioned operating systems, I am quite familiar with the safty aspects and I would only agree with Windows 10 being avoided AFTER EOL, since microcode patches for side channel attacks are included in updates (so I dont really agree with your statment "Any Intel computer NOT Intel gen 12 or higher has the Downfall vulnerability, where you can loose your most important data if you get hacked")
While I am happy with 11 at this time for mainstream, I do hate the system in other aspects, I recently had to setup a new system in an air gapped environment. Try that sometime, grab a new out of box Lenovo or Dell as they are both stopping shipment of systems with 10 about now or shortly.
Try to setup 11 with zero internet connectivity, discover the huge waste of time it can be.
- chrisbooCopper ContributorThe Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz with the 2012 bios updated just fine.
And, wow, it rocks. It is faaaaast. I guess that I could have saved my cash and just stayed with this machine, but it's fun to have a newer pc, too.
Heh, for what I do, I am good.
Thank you Rufus download thingy!- NewsAngelBrass Contributor
chrisboo yeah, well it's been over a year now since I first started experimenting with Rufus and the Win11 bypass script they built into the code. And what I learned is that there is a HUGE downside to these NO TPM scripted installs. Said machines will forever be stuck with whatever version of Win11 has been installed.. Eventually, over time, these versions will become invalidated. So, when running old software and for the use of basic internet surfing, Win11 on an older system is a fun workaround. On the other hand, after building systems with the i3-12100 CPU and Samsung Pro 980 SSDs, these older systems are weak... more a hobby than a true wonder.
- chrisbooCopper Contributor
No argument there. My other ride is a 10600K, and it does really well for what I need.
Typing of hobbies, I put some 386 version on my old Toughbook 18 for no reason, and I can connect it to either machine through remote desktop and a Linux 386 package that I can't remember the name of.It actually works pretty great!
- guillote_ArCopper ContributorI think mostly the same. I also think that is up to us, consumers, to change this. Support (not
strictly monetarily) developments in open source software is the action to be taken against the monopolical/oligopolical practices. - chrisbooCopper ContributorMy "ancient" Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz went through an update this week. Here is what version is running on my system.
Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 21H2
Installed on 4/25/2022
OS build 22000.856
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.856.0
I plan on building a "new" computer with an i5-10600k with 128 GB Ram, because I want to send my work emails even faster. Updates and shouldn't be an issue anymore. I think I will keep this rig around for kicks.- NewsAngelBrass Contributor
Hey! Thanks for your loyalty to this thread. Here is what I learned since we last spoke.
- Patch Tuesday came and went last week; all my PCs with Win 11 updated to .856
- All my 'non-qualified' Win 11 systems also updated to .856
- I have since done 6 non-qualified computers...- One even older than yours; i5 Gen 2 on Gen 3 Mobo (Dell 9010 SFF)
- All systems run faster than when they had Win 10
I do have some suspicions. For example, when Win 11 22H2 comes out early October. (That's only in 1.5 months.)After the 22H2 rollout, systems will randomly get a notice to upgrade the new version of Win 11. One of the big differences is that THIS version will run Android apps on the desktop.
But what about non-qualified systems running Win 11? It is possible the system will undergo another CPU and TPM version check from the cloud verify?
And if so, three things might happen. One is that the version check does not run because it is already a verified system and has Win 11. Then it upgrades to the new version without incident. The second is that it detects the non-qualifiers and refuses to install 22H2. And the third is that the entire system deactivates and you get the classic watermark on the desktop that the system is not activated.
I started hunting down other professionals writing articles about Win 11, because it seems I am helping people with this about five times a week and by October I might have 50 or so people hanging on the edge about what will happen.- chrisbooCopper Contributor
Well, my elderly Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz seems to be updating Windows 11 just fine. I checked the latest OS build version and it says that it is the one below. I did finally buy an upgraded board and CPU (10600K), but this old codger keeps chugging along.
Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 21H2
Installed on 8/25/2022
OS build 22000.978
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.978.0Note that I can connect my android (as I did before through link to windows), and I can also access all of my apps. I don't need to use the Samsung app to do so.
- Kender420Copper Contributor
according to this article you can download windows 11 iso, (at your own risk) direct from Microsoft NewsAngelBrass Contributor
Jesus Kinder40.. what were you thinking?
I would NOT download ANYTHING other than from the official Microsoft download site. Odds are you already infected yourself with malware... which is fine by me, but do NOT poison everyone else with dangerous advice!
Every time there is a new OS version, I take a blank flash drive, visit the official MS site below and let the site create my Win loader here (you can also download the ISO) Kender420Copper ContributorThe link I provided is an article that describes MS saying you can download the ISO and install at your own risk and gives a link to MS official site for the download of the ISO file, try reading
- chrisbooCopper Contributor
I agree with you. In my case, I have used the hacks described on various websites about using Rufus to install an unrestricted version of Windows 11. It does not have access to the preview channel but it did accept my Windows 10 license, so there's that. I also managed to install all of my old, unsigned drivers so that my functioning Brother 5040 printer works, so that I didn't have to dump it into the landfill - at least not yet.
I am sure that everything will stop functioning at some point, and then I will graduate from my i7-3770 to maybe an i7 tenth generation. Anyway, I really think that creating all of this e-waste for an OS update is really gross. I depend on Microsoft products for what I do, so I am stuck. I do hope that MS stops telling the world that they are an environmentally friendly company, because this vulgarity demonstrates that they are not. If anyone is curious, here are the specs on my 10 y/o machine.
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB
Edition Windows 11 Pro Version 21H2
Installed on 4/25/2022
OS build 22000.832- NewsAngelBrass Contributor
Thanks for publishing your experience with Win 11 on your old salty yet reliable i7- 3rd gen work horse.
One of my admins at our company is still using his 3rd gen i7 -- and resists my complaints that he needs to swap out the $1200 9th gen system we shipped him 5 months ago...
Speaking as a PC tech of 30 years, I agree with Microsoft policy on THIS issue.. and the reasons for biting the bullet far outweigh the risks... though just about everything else they do on every other OS upgrade irks me to no end.
What I would like to know.. (which NO ONE has mentioned so far) does the 'Win 11 fresh install' on your system... each and every month... allow and install the updates every patch Tuesday.
If for any reason, MS allows this today and then in future blocks said updates, then anyone using the non-approved hardware for Win 11 will eventually get what is coming their way in the form of Russian/Iranian/ North Korean MALWARE designed to victimize people who do not follow the guidelines.
Regardless, I am eager to know if your system has been accepting updates. And until Win 11 22H2 comes out this October, I am not investing my time testing it on any system.
Sharing the good news on Win 11...
In October 2022, MS should be releasing the next version of Win 11. Said version should run Android apps by default, abolishing that pesky memory leak on File Explorer tabs (trust you do NOT want memory leaks in File Explorer) and general improvements to the start menu which was a huge step backward IMHO.
In addition, it is rumored that 4 times a year, Win 11 will download new apps and features. Some speculate that after two years, then we might see Win 12.
Looking forward to your response.
- chrisbooCopper ContributorHi there,
Here is what Win 11 says that I have running:
Version 21H2
Installed on 4/25/2022
OS build 22000.832
I will post what happens on Patch Tuesday - fingers crossed. I am typing on my Android so forgive me if I didn't answer something else. Will update tomorrow.
- luis908Copper ContributorI honestly don't think everything will stop functioning at some point. I was in beta on windows 10 pro on i5 7500 and windows 11 got installed while installing the beta update. That's good new. Also if Microsoft goes that route to stop updates and features on unsupported machines that's a failure tours them and ill definitely ditch windows altogether. But i don't think it will happen. I gotten updates while on windows 11. Runs and smooth as windows 10.
- noblogs_73Copper ContributorLike yourself i have an unsupported processor, namely i7-8620HQ, which minimum speed is 2.7Ghz, with turbo boost 3.2Ghz when necessary. I have installed Windows 11 and like yourself it rus as smooth as silk, i get all the updates with no worries . Like many that pay in acess of 1000 pounds for a professional pc it is expected not to change systems within a four year period or beyond unless something dramatic happens. All companies have to run at a profit however they can and Intel, microsoft & company must allow marginal processors to be included in their upgrades. This would allow pc and chip manufacturers, be a little mor eco friendly and offer a better reception by the end user.
- luis908Copper ContributorI did a clean install of windows 10 and join beta program and for my surprise windows 11 got installed. I was shocked. You should try and see if that works. But remember do a back up.
- Deleted
Hello, Windows10 will be supported until October 2025.
The exclusion of 7th generation Intel processors has been tested in the Insider program and by many independent institutions.simply - the architecture of the processors and the possibility of failure was decisive.
Best regards
Update on Windows 11 minimum system requirements and the PC Health Check app | Windows Insider Blog
- schrodinbugCopper Contributor
What the freak does that mean, "the possibility of failure was decisive"?
- luis908Copper Contributorits all b.s to me. its business to them, they want us just to buy more recent machines and make retailers, manufacture happy. they know some 7th gen runs fine and buttery like i5 7500. i think Microsoft should stop with all these requirements and let the users decide if they want to risk it and upgrade.