Forum Discussion
Kevin Blanton
Jul 28, 2018Copper Contributor
Windows 10 Insider Preview 17723.1000 (rs5_release) restart required -- does not install
Ran Windows Update this morning and saw the result attached (scrncap.png), restarted numerous times, but the build doesn't change/update. Ran Troubleshoot:Windows Update, no problems detected. Anyone...
- Jul 30, 2018
Same problem here, but solved it deleting all files in C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download and running this script
Scarlet Panorama Joefrie
Aug 14, 2018Copper Contributor
Mike Meinz wrote:I have the same problem with Windows 10 Insider Preview 10.0.17713.1002
Keeps saying it needs to restart "Restart Required".After a restart, says the same thing "Restart Required"
I used option 2 of tool found at and then restarted. That removed the pending update that kept wanting to restart. I am now going to disable the Windows Update service for a couple of months with the hope that an eventual fix will be released by the time I re-enable it.
1. Download Windows Update Reset Tools
2. Choose option 2 (two)
3. Restart your Windows
4. Change/set your Windows Insider Preview to FAST (see attached file)
5. Re-run Windows Update
6. You will get Windows 10 Insider Preview 17733.1000 (rs5_release) or Windows 10 Insider Preview 17735 (latest build)
7. After download and install update, your Windows should never asking to restart...
Kevin Blanton
Aug 14, 2018Copper Contributor
I noted the "Best Response" in my post that the fix that worked (immediately on first attempt) is the procedure set out by Dioniso Pires here: (thank you again, Dionisio). Several subsequent posts state that they have used the reset tool without success, but do not state that they first deleted ALL files in C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download. The the deletion first ,then run the reset tool, then reboot, if in fact you left that step out. That worked for me. I have since been through three additional build installs without any issue or incident.
- Mike MeinzAug 14, 2018Copper Contributor
Thanks for your reply. I want to clarify that I did not delete files from C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download myself before running the Option 2 of Reset Windows Update Agent command script. The Option 2 of Reset Windows Update Agent command script. did remove the downloaded files from C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download.
- Kevin BlantonAug 14, 2018Copper Contributor
Hm, I don't see that delete command in :components section of the script for Option 2 (or in any other section, in fact). At any rate, I had success when I manually deleted all files in the specified directory before running the script. As I say, it seems to have "taken," too, preventing subsequent hang-ups.
- Alex LlamasAug 15, 2018Copper Contributor
I have tried this solution unfortunately without success, I am running a Samsung Galaxy TAB pro S
with build 17692_RS5 and it askes me daily to restart, I have manually removed the temp files, manually rebooted and through the script. the most frustrating is that I can't seem to upgrade from this version since it requires a reboot to finalize this install... any suggestions other than a full reinstallation :)