Forum Discussion
Aug 10, 2021Copper Contributor
Widgets on Windows 11 not opening at all
On Windows 11 (build 22000.120), the Widgets program does not open when I click on it. Nothing shows up on the screen, not even a blurry rectangle. The animation on the icon works, but that is it. I ...
Jan 14, 2022Copper Contributor
Has anyone else been able to fix this issue? I just installed Win11 a week ago and noticed that I am experiencing this same issue yesterday. I can't seem to find any sort of fix online.
Jan 14, 2022Copper Contributor
My widgets started working seemingly spontaneously some months ago. I had tried all the suggestions indicated in this thread, to no avail, and had basically given up on them working. Although I don't recall specifically, I'm pretty sure there were a couple of updates that had happened, when I decided just for giggles to see if they were working, and much to my surprise, they were.
None of the release notes I saw specifically mentioned the widgets issue, although I might have missed it as some of the notes were pretty long. All I can suggest is making sure all your drivers are up to date, especially the chipset and video drivers, and making sure you are running the latest release of Windows 11, which at the time of this post is co-release 22000.434. To check this, press Start, then type 'winver' into the search box and press Enter.
Sadly, I have no idea what may have changed to get my widgets to start working again, as nothing I tried seemed to work. They just started working one day, although as I mentioned, I think there was an update or two since the last time I'd tried them.
EDIT: After going back and reviewing this thread, I saw that I had incorrectly remembered the events leading up to my widgets working again. In a previous post, I had mentioned that the widgets didn't work one day, and did the next. I apologize for misremembering this.
- journeyman41Jan 14, 2022Copper Contributor
when I very first downloaded win 11 all went well but wigets just did not work, soon as i clicked on them
they just flashed on my screen and went. I tried several times but no good so sought help from the M/S community, one guy was very patient with me (im an old git no all that tech savvy) but he explained things simple for me, i tried everything he ,d suggested, others offered help as well nothing worked, so back to win10.
The guy that helped me said their is a new update coming out end of November, wait till then so I did and win 11 went in ok but still same problem, click on wigets it flashed on screen and went I sought more help, all to no avail, so back to win 10.
Then midway through December I tried again win 11 again installed ok but this time wigets worked fine no probs what so ever, so all was well till last week, when I clicked on wigets they opened but when I clicked on any link, news, sport what ever it just flashed on screen and would not open, that is when I contacted the community for help again.
My laptop was like this for 24 hours. I shut it down everynight sometimes I get a mesage to update and continue or update and shut down, I choose update shut down (My bed time) I turn pc on again next morning I tried wigets and all worked fine and touch wood is still doing so.
So dont know if it was just a glich, or one of my evening updates solved it. not got a clue. but as of this moment all is good. Like you guys I really like win 11, in fact in win 10 I kept my old desktop with my yellow folders, never did use tiles.
Thanks fo contacting hope Ive given some hope for you at least.
- edgo2222Jan 15, 2022Copper Contributor
comigo aconteceu exatamente como vc disse. por favor, se conseguir resolver, me diga.
- nackcomp47Jan 16, 2022Brass ContributorYes, if I solve it I'll let you know.