Forum Discussion

DarkTowerBRZ's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 08, 2023

The controls for brightness are gone just gone

I have seen other posts about similar issues but they are months old and i dont see a fix for my sepcific concern. I have no controls over my brightness, I am on Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.22635.2552 (ni_release) and I simply do not have a slider or any other way to turn the brightness down. The function keys on my laptop do nothing, there is no slider in the system tray, nothing in settings and even when I try backhanded methods like turn on power saving mode the brightness is on full. This is literally giving me a headache and as exams are over the next couple of weeks, things like my battery life are extremely important. I am only on the beta preview but I have no idea what to do to fix this. 


Also I do not know if it is related or not but my fan runs almost constantly now, even when doing basic (not resource intensive tasks), for example sending an email, even with nothing else running and immediately after a restart the fan runs full force a good 70 +% of the time (this far exceeds what it has ever done even when playing games or multi tasking)


If there is any information that is needed to be able to help I will get it for you. Thank you

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