Forum Discussion
Problema con Streaming
- danielelnumber1Jun 18, 2021Copper Contributor
A1-A1 Si, es muy raro lo que pasa. Quizas en proximas actualizaciones se arregle. Otra cosa que observe es que quizas el problema sea de la aplicacion de TEAMS porque probe conectarme por el explorador (con y sin aceleracion de hardware) y el problema es el mismo. Porque si nos ponemos a ver con todas las cosas que me sugeriste se solucionaron todos los problemas menos el de esa app
- A1-A1Jun 18, 2021Gold Contributor
i, it's very weird what happens. Maybe in next updates it will be fixed. Another thing to note is that maybe the problem is the application of TEAMS because I try to connect through the browser (with and without hardware acceleration) and the problem is the same. Because if we start to see all the things you suggested to me, all the problems except that of that app were solved.
That's great!
Maybe you have not the correct configuration teams? you can uninstall and reinstall it, or reset the settings as the default!
write if it works for you.