Forum Discussion

Holaway's avatar
Steel Contributor
Jan 10, 2025

How to copy backups to multiple drives? (the "3" in 3-2-1) =

I'm setting up a backup process from scratch. Currently planning to use Macrium Reflect (MR).

I want to store backup images on multiple drives (3 of them).

How to copy images produced by MR to other drives?

First, I wanted to use FreeFileSync or TeraCopy, but seems that Macrium Image Guard (MIG) doesn't allow that.
From the first look at its settings, I understand that it only allows images to be copied by robocopy.

And now the questions:

Is the robocopy really the only option to copy MR images?
robocopy can't verify that the copied files are the same as the source. Is it necessary at all? If yes, how to do that efficiently?
If I switch to a new external drive, it is empty, but I don't want to fill it with all previous backups, I want to only copy newer images. Should I fiddle with PowerShell scripts to make robocopy copy images only starting from a certain file creation/modification date?

  • gastone's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Robocopy does not inherently perform a checksum-based verification like some other tools, which means it doesn’t guarantee that the copied files are identical to the source. It only ensures that the size and timestamp of the copied files match. If verification is critical use third-party tools for checksum verification, e.g.:  powershell script, xxhash or md5deep to create hash values and compare them.
    Is verification necessary at all? This depends on the importance and sensitivity of the data..., windows time for your copy (enought time to complete the entire process).

    Robocopy is great for this because it supports filtering by date. You don’t need complex PowerShell scripts unless you need very specific logic.

    Robocopy Command:

    robocopy "SourceFolder" "DestinationFolder" *.dcm /MAXAGE:YYYYMMDD /E /COPY:DAT
    • Replace SourceFolder and DestinationFolder with the actual paths.
    • Use *.dcm (or your specific file extension for MR images).
    • /MAXAGE:YYYYMMDD: Only copies files modified on or after a specific date.
    • /E: Includes subdirectories.
    • /COPY:DAT: Copies data, attributes, and timestamps.

    If you want to copy files modified on or after a certain date, use /MINAGE instead.

    This copies files modified within the last 30 days. Adjust -AddDays(-30) or replace with a specific date.

    # Define source and destination directories
    $source = "C:\SourceFolder"
    $destination = "D:\DestinationFolder"
    # Define the date filter (only copy files modified on or after this date)
    $dateFilter = (Get-Date "2024-01-01").ToString("yyyyMMdd") # Replace with your desired date
    # Construct the robocopy command with filtering
    $robocopyCommand = @"
    robocopy "$source" "$destination" *.dcm /MINAGE:$dateFilter /E /COPY:DAT /R:3 /W:5
    # Execute the robocopy command
    Invoke-Expression $robocopyCommand
    • Use robocopy for quick, reliable copying with date-based filtering. Add verification only if necessary.
    • If you require robust file verification or more advanced logic, consider FreeFileSync or PowerShell.


    Bye Gastone
