Forum Discussion

philthethrill's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 15, 2021

Can't Install Intel Update Through Windows Update

I'm trying to install update Intel- System - 2131.1.4.0, and it keeps giving me install error - 0x8007012a. I clicked on retry all, and then the update goes away, but then it comes back often. I try to install it every time I see it, but I keep getting the same error. Is this update important, or should I ignore it? I've left feedback about it. 


  • RenekAvalon's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Hello and good morning.

    What I found that worked is the following:

    Once in the Windows Update window, select PAUSE UPDATES FOR ONE WEEK.

    Once you have done this, then select RESUME UPDATES, and then the update should start immediately.

    I hope this helps everyone.
    • FEG28's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      RenekAvalon That is not working for me. 


      I just started today a new PC and this error won't fix. 

      I've tried from the Intel driver & support assistant too, but with no success.


      Thank you

  • philthethrill This problem with the "INTEL - System -" is getting old.  
    If it is not Microsofts problem, could a responsible person at MS please talk to INTEL about posting this annoying trash to the MS Windows Update platform?

  • NotTM69's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    philthethrill i have same problem i tried restart update service stii not working and i instal driver and it still show me error

    • philthethrill's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Reza_Ameri I can download and install all other updates, but not this one. I left feedback about it on the Feedback Hub. I couldn't find the update on the Intel website. 

      • Reza_Ameri's avatar
        Silver Contributor
        If you visited the Intel's website it has a tool where it scans and find drivers for you.
        Have you tried the tool?
        Did you install any new Intel driver?
